Cannot see other party members

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Tobias.8632


Tried joining several groups for CoF explorable mode, each time my party menu was completely empty, and I received confirmation in /p chat that the party was indeed full. I was able to join them in the instance by walking in, but not being able to see their health bars or status made things difficult.

I tried relogging, leaving and being re-invited to the group, exiting and re-launching the game, nothing seemed to correct this issue.


Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Aeromu.9134


Friend is also having the same issue started a few minutes ago.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Tobias.8632


Had the same problem with a fractals group in lion’s arch, and this caused even more problems as I couldn’t get into their instance without a pop up box. As you can see in the third shot, they’re in level 13 and I could only access level 12.


Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: ExFilly.5813


Having the exact same problem aswell, joined a party but cannot see the party members.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Flyingsnow.2730


Same bug happened to me in the last 20 minutes. I cannot see party members. I also cannot see guild roster. It shows I’m in my guild, but I see no members. Its says I’m in the guild 1/1 which is note correct. Tried logging, re-logging, changing online status, exiting the game. Disconnecting using the security options on the website. Followers appear offline, but I can whisper them. Once I do it changes their status to online but shows location as unknown. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Tobias.8632


I get the feeling all our party bugs in the past and now, today, this insanity that prevents us from playing the game are all due to one thing. Having an EU account, but playing/having transferred into an US server.

I can see two people in my friendlist that are online and they’re both “leftovers” from when I played on EU servers.

But really I hope anet’s not going to tell us to transfer back to EU servers. My enjoyment of the game would drop down to 0% if I had to go back to fix all this party madness that has been affecting me, like having to leave/join groups back because the party list doesn’t get refreshed, or because I can’t join the instance, or having to guest to reset a few variables.

Nope, I’ve been on Sea of Sorrows since launch, never been on an EU server.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Chiuna.2538


I am having the same exact problem. I do have an EU account but am playing on an NA server also.

This is a huge problem!

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Fiona.7845


I can see only people from Russia in my friend list.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Chiuna.2538


I am also regularly getting kicked out of my party, despite the other members not kicking me.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: carlosrebato.2958


Same problem here, I’m an euro player on a NA server too

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Dawn Wulven.1485

Dawn Wulven.1485

I’m also have the same problem

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Nausicaa.9563


Same problem here, I’m EU based but have been on NA servers since launch.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Halahiiro.6387


FIX IT!!!!! cant join groups, im only one in guild, none online in my friendslist and i can see my friend standing next to me, he says im in his group but game kicks me out of group every 5 minutes.

im from EU playing in NA server since the day i bought the game, never changed server so this really really reallllyyyy is kitten me offfff !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Rezz.8019


Same problem, euro player on NA server.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Bunni.9156


It seems like something funky is going on with the EU side of things but I don’t think it’s because you guys are on NA servers. EU players on EU servers are having all sorts of issues currently as well. I can see my friends list (all euro players) but the guild is bugged out for everyone I’ve talked to so far.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Gathbard.6904


Same issue here as well.
Usually reforming a group fixes the “can’t see group members” issue, but last night I couldn’t even join the same group instance in SAB.
I’m an EU resident and I’ve been playing on a NA server since beta.
Group mates were all NA and we played togheter regularly for months.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: ZaneGyf.6097


I’m having the same exact issue that suddenly happened when someone joined our party and I couldn’t see them online. When I re-logged, I couldn’t see anyone in the guild or party and keep getting kicked without anyone doing it.

Only difference I see here is that I’m an NA-based player playing on an NA server and I can’t see anyone online.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: phoenix.3740


I am having the same issue, can’t see group members.

also i got kicked off the instance twice during fight. It only happened during most recent dungeon run so maybe it was just my connection (even though i still connected to gw2 after getting kicked)

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Calreth.4912


I get the feeling all our party bugs in the past and now, today, this insanity that prevents us from playing the game are all due to one thing. Having an EU account, but playing/having transferred into an US server.

I can see two people in my friendlist that are online and they’re both “leftovers” from when I played on EU servers.

But really I hope anet’s not going to tell us to transfer back to EU servers. My enjoyment of the game would drop down to 0% if I had to go back to fix all this party madness that has been affecting me, like having to leave/join groups back because the party list doesn’t get refreshed, or because I can’t join the instance, or having to guest to reset a few variables.

Nope, I’ve been on Sea of Sorrows since launch, never been on an EU server.

Likewise, never touched an EU server before.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Kisses.1054


I get same issue off and on (also lose guild chat and all guild info/roster/missions/etc, also cannot whisper players). I will join a party not realising that I currently have the bug and not be able to tell I’m in a group. I sometimes get an error message telling me it’s a firewall (it’s not). Australia based playing on NA servers. I don’t tend to lose party chat or get kicked or DC while already in an instance usually tho, seems to bug out a lot if character is in Lion’s Arch.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Flyingsnow.2730


After downloading the patch today my issues I posted yesterday in this thread have cleared up. Everything is back in working order.

That being said, I would like to point out that I was experiencing issue playing on an NA account on NA servers. It would not appear that this “bug” is isolated to EU accounts only.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Nice. I wondered why we can’t join dungeons anymore. We tried to get into Super Adventure Box yesterday and couldn’t join. We are two players with EU accounts playing on an US server since november 2012 and never had issues with that.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Sarseth.7689


Reopen pls. I have it all day long playing dungeons w/o is hard!

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064

Ricky Da Man.5064

Same here says im in guild alone and nobody online, also have the empty party thing, bu not been kicked from one yet.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Blueblob.1726


Currently having the same issue but it has got worse now, until reset today parties would sometimes bug and people could not see who was in the party window. This could be fixed by exiting and rejoining the party, a rough fix but it worked. After reset last night this does not work and people cannot see people in the party no matter how many times they rejoin.

Fire Blob
Crystal Desert
Veterans Of the Mists [redt] (r/redditgw2/) -Leader

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: deathgod.7380


same thing is happening to me my two guild’s say that i am the only member !! 1/1 and my friends list all says that there all are offline i have a lot of friends and i KNOW that at least one would be on the same time i’m on. i have not bean able to play seance the 16th anyone know what’s going on?

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Sarseth.7689


Cool! One of the most important thing in this game doesn’t work! Yesterday I was ok w/o seeing my party into dungeon. Today it’s impossible, cause after some time I’m kicked outside. Great job arenanet. I’m programist as well, but my company doesnt do realeases when something that important isnt tested! (Airplanes would fall, maybe little more serious, but still party is important as well!)

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: johnathanfeezy.4713


Same issue, i can join parties but i cannot see the party members on my left side, or on my map. I get kicked from my party in instances every 5 minutes (we are all buddies and on skype, no one is actually kicking me, not even jokingly). It says some friends are not online when they are.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Pandaface.1085


Same guild roster and friends list issue for me. I finally managed to properly join my friends’ guild last night after about the 10th try and relogging a number of times. Log on this morning and it’s back to being 1/1 and no friends showing as online.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: tungngroove.8410


Me too. And this is really beginning to annoy me. Does anyone have any answers?
EU server

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Horus Nightlight.1276

Horus Nightlight.1276

Having the same problems yesterday and posted already in forums – only person in party, getting autokicked every 2-5 minutes. Also noticed that there was a problem with the guild panel – only a few members online when in truth there are about 70+ online (confirmed by members in same guild who didn’t have this problem).

Now the interesting bit – When I relogged in about 10 hours ago (around 0400hrs GMT), guild panel and party panel was fine. Managed to even do CoF p1 with no bugs. Then I logged out about 4 hours ago for dinner an am back now (around 1400hrs GMT) – same problem with guild and party panel.

Am logging in from Asia onto an EU server – Gandara world. I wonder if this has anything to do with traffic?

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Valac.7532


Same here. Cannot see who invites me to party (black box there), cannot see anyone in party, but I was able to write in party chat though.

Shows that I’m only one in my guild, cannot see influence points in guild either, cannot use guild chat.

EU server and same server from start. Never been on any other server.

EDIT: weirdly after I rebooted, everything seems to work fine.

(edited by Valac.7532)

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Jimboid.8210


Same problem.

I can add members to the party and they appear on the left, but they don’t appear as blue dots on the map. Also, although loads of Guild members are online, my Guild pannel says I’m the only member and I can’t speak to anyone.

This detracts hugely from the game.

EDIT: Restarting my system seemed to work.

(edited by Jimboid.8210)

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Sarseth.7689


ok there’s some option of this bug:
1. seeing my guild, seeing my party members, seeing their lvl and nicks, going into CM (another instance w/o them)
2. dont see my guild, see my party, see their lvl and nicks, dont see blue markers, one instance
3. dont see my guild, dont se my party, dont see markers, one instance (after a while i’m kicked from dungeon, dont see any chat history from party, like never existed)
4. see my guild, dont see party, dont see markers, one instance

Don’t like option “reboot system”. It shouldn’t look like that and u know it. If there’s something wront with data files, make autochecker during luncher.

(edited by Sarseth.7689)

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Kinook.1497



guest in another world, enter world, log out, enter your old world. worked for me

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Sarseth.7689


Thx Kinook will try, but still u have limit for guesting. And this bug can occur again I guess.
But is this a perm solution? Don’t think so..

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Legendary Gamer.8196

Legendary Gamer.8196

same here still having this issue and sick of it…

Easy to see, difficult to read and Impossible to understand.

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Knight.1084



A level 80 and I were levelling up, I then invited someone else, I could see their text in party but they did not come in the party panel. I was not even sure if they were in the party.

But this was fixed after I logged out and logged back in. I could then see him.

- Bug?

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Faulye.8357



I got the same problem as you do.
I found that deleting the .DAT file fix it.
but, I have to do it before everytime i log in.

PS. deleting the .DAT file reset all your options ( Hey, you got nothing without nothing!)

oO Vizunah Oo

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Faulye.8357



I got the same problem as you do.
I found that deleting the .DAT file fix it.
but, I have to do it before everytime i log in.

PS. deleting the .DAT file reset all your options ( Hey, you got nothing without nothing!)

oO Vizunah Oo

Cannot see other party members

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Posted by: Brishakar.8614


I don’t know if this will help anyone else but this is what I found.

While the Game is logged in I found a Gw2.tmp of 0kb in my Game folder…

After deleting this file my friends could see me again.

Perhaps a coincidence… I hope not.