Cant Access Gem Store or Black Lion Trading
I have the same problem. I started the game 5 days ago and since I have not been able to access the trading company
Shame :/
Would be nice, need to sell a lot of things and buy some better armor. I pretty much get stomped on at my current game progress with the armor I have now.
As you’ve already cleared your game cache (Instructions), have you also:
1) Tried ensuring you are Running As Administrator
2) Recently starting using any new programs like Mumble or MSI Afterburner? These programs seem to have an overlay aspect to them that interferes with the trading post’s functionality.
3) Checked your Control Panel > Internet Options > Connection settings and make sure to disable any Proxy Setting that may be enabled there.
Proxy Check/Disable
In your Windows Control Panel via your Start Menu:
- Choose to view as icons instead of as categories in the top right.
- Open Internet Options
- Click on the Connections tab
- At the very bottom click on LAN Settings
- Check the Automatically Detect Settings box
- Make sure the lower Proxy Server boxes are unchecked
4) Checked your Anti-virus and Firewall to make sure they are not blocking the awesomium_process.exe (the trading post) from running? Can also try manually white-listing the program so it will not be restricted from accessing the internet.
5) Checked the game for errors and repaired it
- Close your game completely.
- Next, make a copy of your Gw2 game shortcut and rename it “GW2 Repair” or to something that you will recognize it for being only for running a repair on your GW2 installation.
- Now, right-click this “Gw2 Repair” shortcut and click on “Properties”.
- On the “Shortcut” tab look in the “Target:” field, you should see:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” or wherever you have Guild Wars 2 installed. - After the closing quotation marks in this line put a space and then add -repair
It will look like this but with your GW2 install location:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” -repair - Hit OK after making this change.
- Run this repair shortcut. Your game will run through a repair cycle and fix any damaged files it finds.
- After it runs through, start the game using the normal GW2 game shortcut (not the repair shortcut) and see if your TP can function properly.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
You may want to start off with ensuring you follow these steps to:
Clear your GW2 game cache
Then look into the other listed items I posted to Maddoghalo if clearing the cache did not help solve the problem.
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Mine is also just a blank screen. I tried all of the things you listed and still nothing. Any more ideas?
I have not been able to access the trading company until now, endless loading