Cant log 1 char, other chars fine
I also seem to have this problem as of logging in this morning… :/
(edited by Xymena.2741)
Bumping to help you out buddy. I hope this gets figured out; have you submitted a ticket as well?
Were you on this character when the servers crashed?
You can try adding the command line argument, -prefreset, as that has worked for some players.
Good luck.
Never mind…same answer on your other threads.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Bumping to help you out buddy. I hope this gets figured out; have you submitted a ticket as well?
Were you on this character when the servers crashed?
Sorry for the late reply, but now that you mention it the reason I stopped playing last night was due to my game crashing. I didn’t end up logging back in till earlier today to find my character like that. It also fits the time frame of around when I went to bed if you consider Kosai’s post to be accurate to about 17~ish hours ago that servers apparently crashed.
And yes i did submit a ticket to this issue.
I also seem to have this problem as of logging in this morning… :/
UPDATE: I have solved this problem by deleting and uninstalling anything to do with Guild Wars 2 off my computer, then re-installing the game client. Doing so also fixed my issue with my game fps being cut in half after the recent patch.