Carapace Pants bug on human female

Carapace Pants bug on human female

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Omnia Wind.2108

Omnia Wind.2108

This feels weird to put on a forum. I have a female human mesmer wearing the carapace pants. While swimming, I noticed there’s a red line going down the underwear. A human elementalist had the same problem with the same pants, but not a sylvari necro.

Is this a known bug?


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minipets will be the death of me

Carapace Pants bug on human female

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: serenke.4806


I’d say it’s a well-known bug because it appears on a lot of light pants.

Carapace Pants bug on human female

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Omnia Wind.2108

Omnia Wind.2108

That makes me feel better! I thought it was just me >.>

Yak’s Bend FO LYFE [AI] [AGI]
minipets will be the death of me