Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

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Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Ever since the revamp of the order of the personal story missions, there are numerous glaring lore discontinuity issues that have arisen. These are pretty serious issues, and will cause lots of newcomers a lot of lore confusion when encountered.

  • I just finished Ships of the Line in Chapter 8, and Trahearne told me to meet him in Azabe Qabar to cleanse Orr…. Except I did that four or five story steps earlier in Chapter 7.
  • In Chapter 7 you meet Sayeh, the Largos, after cleansing Orr… But then Trahearne introduces you to her for the first time (and your character acts like they’ve never met) in the beginning of Chapter 8.
  • In Chapter 7 you fight and kill the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan… But then in Chapter 8 you “encounter an Eye of Zhaitan for the first time” and your character and Trahearne both act like it’s a new enemy in the Temple of the Forgotten God.

These are just the most glaring issues I found. I realize that the missions were reorganized so that there was some consistency in structure between the chapters, but this reorganization was done without consideration for lore consistency, and it pains me to see it in action.

Please, treat your lore with some respect and fix these issues! Thanks.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

That thread does not include the discontinuities as specifically called out. That seems to just be discussing the chapter breakup itself, and issues related to the chapters. Thanks for your post, though.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Ah yes, I knew it wasn’t exactly the same issue as you were reporting here, but it’s somewhat related. That’s why the link doesn’t point to the beginning of the thread but to a specific post. I thought it would worth mentioning it anyhow. And no problem.

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

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Posted by: Crise.9401


Whoever decided that this was the right course of action needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.

I know Apatia and Tonn etc weren’t the best characters, but I remember doing the story missions related to Apatia in particular and not having them is a huge omission. Tonn apparently even more so. Besides having to kill Apatia myself was a good moment. Although Tybalt still tops it by far :P

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaia Orunitia.5794

Gaia Orunitia.5794

Not to mention that the chapter 7 requires you to be lvl 70, but drives you to the Cursed Shore, which is a lvl 80 area…

Ch. 7-8 Personal Story Discontinuities

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thanatos.2691


IMO they should have left the personal story alone. What benefit does switching personal story chapters around bring to the game? I think this was a total waste of their time that they could have been using to.. oh I don’t know.. put out real content?

The original content is the best content in the game so far, and everything they have been adding since since then has been half-brained filler. Return the personal story to how it was before the patch, I say. These are just my opinions on the matter.

Golden shackles are still golden.