Champion Bags

Champion Bags

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Posted by: notebene.3190


If I do whatever I need to do to ‘tag’ a monster such that it counts towards a monster count, if said monster is part of an event (for example), or otherwise and subsequently awarded experience for killing said monster, then I should at least be rewarded a blue [bag/shell/wallet/purse/backpack/fanny pack/messenger bag/cell phone belt holder].

It seems to be very inconsistent now, whether you are given anything at all, and clearly have done plenty of damage.

If I were to guess, it seems like what is happening is the first ‘n’ people to ‘hit’ a monster are added to a “ok, we’ll give you a bag” table, and then your performance on the monster determines white-orange bag. You could be the n+1 person to hit a monster, and do far more damage than the nth person, and still get nothing…but, get XP, event completion (if applicable), monster count (if applicable, say for an event or Slayer count).

That doesn’t make any sense.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Halcyon.7352


A couple things to consider on this subject:

Not all champions drop loot. You have to know which ones do drop loot and which ones simply never do. Examples of no loot champs: Upscaled Shadow behemoth and Fire elemental champions. For whatever reason, most new living story champs (and mobs for that matter) drop no loot.

Partying up makes loot credit significantly easier. Because of the huge amount of megaserver people now doing world events, it’s never been harder to do sufficient damage to receive credit on champions. People are taking up pick up groups to insure the party gets enough damage.

Unfortunately this means that condition and more support/defensive oriented builds stand little chance of ever getting credit on their own. Joining a party can help mitigate it, but you’re basically having them pick up the slack for you, which is never a particularly considerate thing to do.

But yes: TL;DR – if you know a champ drops a bag, and you have trouble getting it solo, group up.

Never have trouble with loot credit again, unless your party is uplevel/defensive spec or space cadet afk.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Champion Bags

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Posted by: notebene.3190


But yes: TL;DR – if you know a champ drops a bag, and you have trouble getting it solo, group up.

That’s a fine philosophy, but if that is the solution, then it needs to be all or none.

They either need to do it the old way, where we fight over nodes, tag monsters, have to group to do the most benign things.

Or, there’s no monster tagging, no fighting over nodes, etc.

The way it is now, ‘everything’ seems to work except the bag thing. It’s not an issue of whether or not a champ drops one, it drops one.

It’s not a damage thing, I know that’s not what’s going on. It’s a tagging problem. If you are one of the first ‘n’ people (or groups, yes) to tag, then you get a bag, at which point your damage plays a factor in what kind of bag you get). If you are the nth+1 person to tag and do 90% of the damage, you don’t get a chance at the bag, because you didn’t make this list.

This is what needs to be fixed.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Halcyon.7352


But it is a matter of damage. Everything I’ve experienced has indicated this, and I’ve never experienced any sort of ‘cap’ on the amount of bags it drops to the amount of players participating.

The wiki’s loot entry suggests so as well – specifically look at loot participation. I know that the wiki is community run and can be wrong, but I’ve never had any reason to believe so in this case.

I can’t count how many times I’ve been late arriving to a champion and still get a bag because people in my party there were doing damage enough to get credit.

There’s two things to consider for proper mob loot credit. Reaching a personal or party damage threshold to be eligible for loot, and doing enough damage to receive personal ‘tagging’ credit. The latter here can be extremely minimal – you generally just have to hit the target just once, once the damage threshold is reached.

This is infact how people used to speed level during farm events in Orr, Angaria for example before the recent nerf to mob spawns at the event. I’ve seen people as low as level 23 practically abusing the system to level up. Party does sufficient damage for loot and XP credit, the low level ‘tags’ the mob to receive it.

The game pushes social play pretty hard, and the loot system is no exception. That’s not to say there aren’t flaws – because of the huge number of megaserver people grouping up to assure achieving that damage threshold, solo individuals have to push that much harder to get credit. This could explain the perceived ‘cap’ you mention.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Champion Bags

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Posted by: notebene.3190


Ok, that was pretty convincing, and thank you for taking the time. It just seems like I’m doing the same rotations and damage every time. If I make sure I’m one of the first people to hit it, I’ll get a bag.

And not all mobs are created equal. I always get a bag on champs in Frostgorge. My problem is the champs at the jungle warm, maw and the mech troll thing using the matrix cube key after the fire elemental.

It just seems odd to me that if I get xp for a kill, and credit for the kill, be it an event or whatever, that I wouldn’t get my personal loot.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: notebene.3190


I don’t know, just tested this again this morning. I skipped the 3 portals and went over to where maw was standing with a billion people, I’m sure many of them grouped, I wasn’t. I just targeted him and started attacking him with my Mesmer at range while he was invulnerable. As soon as he opened up, I’m sure I was one of the first ‘n’ people to hit him.

I just went through my normal rotations, and there was a shiny brown bag for me at the end. :\

I did rez one downed person near me, and I’ve also noticed that before the mega servers, my quality would often increase if I spent a lot of time rezzing people and not even attacking maw much, and rotating through more of my (then Elementalist’s) attunements, even those with far less DPS, and lots of water to keep people healed. Other times, I could not rez people and try to concentrate on DPS and get white bags.

It just seems like there’s more going on, and I’d personally love to know how it all works.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Beldin.5498


But it is a matter of damage. Everything I’ve experienced has indicated this, and I’ve never experienced any sort of ‘cap’ on the amount of bags it drops to the amount of players participating.

I think its not the damage but a maximum cap of people who first tag. I’ve done the Maw Event quite some times after Megaserver, and normally just did the 3 portals and then got to the Shaman. Never got a bag from him at that time since the Megaserver. Then i just ignored the Portals and startet already to attack him before the portals were down, and suddenly i again always got the bag.

I also always did that wit my guardian with scepter so damage should always be more or less the same.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Halcyon.7352


The reason you tend to get a bag if you are one of the first few to hit is because you have that much longer to reach the damage threshold.

5-10% as suggested by the wiki may seem easy to achieve, but you have to understand just how much health the targets will be having as a result of the sheer number of people scaling it up. Have you ever been the first on the scene to an upscaled champion that people are in event range of to scale up, but aren’t actually at just yet? Say the furthest Ulgoth Warbeast, or heck even a veteran crab or harpy at megadestroyer. Even a full buffed zerker can smack them for literally a minute and barely show any damage on their health bar. It’s quite difficult, solo.

And again, I’ve had countless situations in which the zerg has split up, and I get in range of a champ at it’s last 10%. I still get a bag in group, despite my dismal damage and minimal participation, as long as someone else in party was there for most of it – this alone would refute the ‘maximum player cap’ idea.

I’ve even been guilty of afking in a friends/guild only party at Maw for example, and still getting a champ bag with just a few hits.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Beldin.5498


I dont think i do 5-10 % damage at all if there a 50+ people and when i just use Scepter.

Also a while ago someone posted that when he did Ulgoth event he tagged the first warbeast for 1-2 hits, then went to another and did damage all the time on the second, and in the end he got a bag from the first but not from the second.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: notebene.3190


For me, it just comes back to the simple mechanic, I guess.

If I ‘tagged’ it sufficiently with respect to being credited for the kill, be it a Slayer achievement, World Event, Dynamic Event, Heart completion, Living Story, Personal Story, etc, then I should at least get the blue bag, and then they can do whatever formula they want after that for white and orange.

There seems to be two types of tags, and that makes no sense.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: KarateKid.5648


If I do whatever I need to do to ‘tag’ a monster such that it counts towards a monster count, if said monster is part of an event (for example), or otherwise and subsequently awarded experience for killing said monster, then I should at least be rewarded a blue [bag/shell/wallet/purse/backpack/fanny pack/messenger bag/cell phone belt holder].

It seems to be very inconsistent now, whether you are given anything at all, and clearly have done plenty of damage.

If I were to guess, it seems like what is happening is the first ‘n’ people to ‘hit’ a monster are added to a “ok, we’ll give you a bag” table, and then your performance on the monster determines white-orange bag. You could be the n+1 person to hit a monster, and do far more damage than the nth person, and still get nothing…but, get XP, event completion (if applicable), monster count (if applicable, say for an event or Slayer count).

That doesn’t make any sense.

Just in relation to being first: I’ve noticed some bugs with various champs and have purposefully made sure I was first next go-around and kept doing as much damage as possible. Some still bug out, so it’s not the first hit thing.

Champion Bags

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: notebene.3190


If I do whatever I need to do to ‘tag’ a monster such that it counts towards a monster count, if said monster is part of an event (for example), or otherwise and subsequently awarded experience for killing said monster, then I should at least be rewarded a blue [bag/shell/wallet/purse/backpack/fanny pack/messenger bag/cell phone belt holder].

It seems to be very inconsistent now, whether you are given anything at all, and clearly have done plenty of damage.

If I were to guess, it seems like what is happening is the first ‘n’ people to ‘hit’ a monster are added to a “ok, we’ll give you a bag” table, and then your performance on the monster determines white-orange bag. You could be the n+1 person to hit a monster, and do far more damage than the nth person, and still get nothing…but, get XP, event completion (if applicable), monster count (if applicable, say for an event or Slayer count).

That doesn’t make any sense.

Just in relation to being first: I’ve noticed some bugs with various champs and have purposefully made sure I was first next go-around and kept doing as much damage as possible. Some still bug out, so it’s not the first hit thing.


Well, whatever it is, it needs to be fixed.

If I’m given credit for killing the monster on all other levels, I should at least be getting a blue bag. Otherwise, don’t give me XP, event progression (yes, I’d fail Maw), etc. Make us compete over nodes, put old school monster tagging in the game, forced party grouping (no organic grouping), goblin camp camping. It’s a mechanic, whether intentional or bugged, that’s at complete odds with the way everything else works. There shouldn’t be two systems of tagging.

Champion Bags

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Posted by: Marndeis.7815


Yesterday I was in EOTM and I was getting very inconsistent Champ Drops. I was getting kill credits (easy to watch with the Champ Slayer Monthly) and the Exp from the kills but 50% of the time I wouldn’t get a chest. I was doing plenty of damage (zerker warrior 100B) with multiple 10k+ damage strings and yet at the end, no drop.

I tend to agree with the OP that it must have something to do with the first x/number of taggers getting bags because I was at the back of the pack for most of the zerg rushes but still got PLENTY of damage in that should have got me credit.