Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

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Posted by: Falindae.6075


When the Champion Risen Wraith spawned in Shelter’s Gate Camp in Cursed Shore, it was an instant loss. I understand beefing up the mobs, but feel this is broken— We had approximately twenty people there to defend the camp, and the creature used a MASS LIFE TAP. Not only was it healing itself beyond us being able to damage it, it killed everyone within seconds, even fully ascended gear folk.

I can’t imagine how even a smaller group would be able to kill it, scaled down, as it would still have the same skills, and kill everyone within moments of coming in range. Add on the massively sized AOE DoT’s and it was impossible. An instant failure.

I feel this combination of skills for this mob unfair, and extremely frustrating. Could this please be adjusted somehow?

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

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Posted by: AnonEMouse.7932


It’s the Life Transfer skill that kills the players, as it never seems to run out/turn off until the players are dead.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Falindae.6075


+1’d that thread as well, Anon.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

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Posted by: harveyaddams.4951


Yeah, I was there. He sucked the life out of everything faster than my ex-girlfriend.

In all seriousness, even keeping Weakness on him 100% of the time wasn’t abating the life drain. I had to back off after six seconds.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I’ve added another thread on the topic below, as not just the Champion Wraith has gone haywire with its seemingly permanent 1200 range AoE Life Transfer, but things like Champion (and Veteran) Chickens now shoot eggs at you with no warning for 11-22k damage a pop. It’s beyond ridiculous.

One moment the chickens come in, the next moment I’m downed instantly because the Champion Chicken apparently hit me for 34000 damage (2 eggs) and then his Veteran buddies finished me off a heartbeat later with another 45000 damage (3 eggs).

Did one of the devs accidentally add another digit to the damage output?


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(edited by Aveneo.2068)

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Falindae.6075


Please refer to this link, as there are MANY, MANY complaints and quite a bit of unrest about the terrible scaling in Orr!

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stupor.2786


The wraith is beatable; it just takes a long time and is very boring. When he does his life transfer skill he is immobile, so when you see him do it just have everyone run out of range. Long bow rangers and eles can continue plink away at him from beyond his range while the rest stand around picking their noses. Eventually he will finish his life transfer whereupon you rush in like maniacs and apply as much DPS as you can before he starts his skill again and you flee faster than Logan Thackeray facing Kralkatorrik. Rinse and repeat several times and eventually he goes down.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

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Posted by: Geekfox.4267


That would work, except when Champion Risen Wraith arrives in the last minute while cleansing the Temple of Grenth event, because Keeper Jonez does not have the AI to flee from the wide Life Transfer range.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FlamingMook.8437



THIS! So much this. I’ve run and reran the Temple of Grenth event chain 15+ times today. If Jonez isn’t killed by his low health pool, or the boss smashing his head in with a block of ice, or giant spiders eating him, it’s the kitten Champion Wraith that spawns at the end of this mess of an event. There is NO way to keep Jonez alive through it.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


Here’s another issue. Champion Risen Wraith easily ended Secure Warmaster Jofast’s Camp event by spawning inside the camp and destroying the supplies with its Life Transfer skills.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huck.1405


A Champion Risen Wraith spawned at the Shelter’s Gate event on Blackgate earlier today and wiped out at least a dozen players in a very short time.

Anet, if you’re trying to convince people NOT to play GW2, you’re going about it the right way. Hell, even Electronic Arts dos’nt FUBAR as badly as y’all did on the 30 April patch.

“You can teach ’em, but you cant learn ’em.”

(edited by Huck.1405)

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Anet you’re doing a great job at getting people to dislike this game. Does anyone at your office even play the kitten thing?
How much fun is it to see the whole shelter camp get whiped and cant do a kitten thing about it.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiruata Motaki.1250

Kiruata Motaki.1250

Best is just to wait until he ends this siphon skill, dont go near, or he heals up, strike, and again go far enough.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


It’s probably faster to leave the instance and let it despawn. No reason to kill it for several minutes.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

A Champion Risen Abomination in the CoE dungeon path 2, also wiped my whole team. Doing hits of up to 12,000 damage and more. Also, he hits way further than one would expect his range to be. You could be quite a distance away from him, and still get hit for massive damage. He kills most players in two or three hits.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aspirine.6852


How hard can it be to fix this… really.

Champion Risen Wraith -- Unfair/Unbeatable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

A Champion Risen Abomination in the CoE dungeon path 2, also wiped my whole team. Doing hits of up to 12,000 damage and more. Also, he hits way further than one would expect his range to be. You could be quite a distance away from him, and still get hit for massive damage. He kills most players in two or three hits.

This is not a bug, that’s the mechanic of the boss. Every time he hits someone, he gets another stack of a buff that makes him stronger. If your party lets him get 25 stacks, he’ll hit like a truck. Don’t let that happen.

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