Character Talking Problem

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Jwake.7013


I’ve been on a few of my characters now since the new day started in game time and several of them (happened to my male Asura, and female Norn) just started saying random dialogue, back to back to back, etc… and it just wont stop, but it’s also in all the voices, female, male, all the races and all their sayings, (I think I noticed some npc sayings and voices as well mixed in as well) and it just keeps going and going. It’s pretty annoying with it being little to no pause in between the talking. Hope this can be fixed.

Thanks for your time.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Guldfisk.5170


I have a similar problem. It’s not my character that speaks, but I hear random pc shouts from various classes, races and both genders when there is no one else nearby.

Gets a bit annoying to hear “Save yourself!” “I could use some help over here!” “Turret active!” etc back to back in different voices.

I’ve assumed that I hear other player characters further away than I should, but as they’re not even within visual range I can’t be sure.

EDIT: Just noticed that it actually is coming from my character. So I guess I have exactly the same problem.

(edited by Guldfisk.5170)

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Headcase.4618


It seems everyone’s toons are spouting random dialogue. mostly it’s a female charr saying “Yarr” over and over again

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Oh good, so I’m not crazy. I’m running around WvW and hear ‘Stand your…Retreat!’

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Andraus.3874


Can confirm. My charater is a slyvari male warrior who says things like save yourself, stand your ground, lyssa confound you, shake it off, over here, grunting and pretty much everything you can think of just when standing still doing nothing in male and female voices of all the other races.

I still say the usual things I’d say in combat with my regular voice but all this other stuff is thrown in. It’s starting to get really annoying.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: SimBilly.8047


Haha I’m getting it too, but I thought it was other players nearby… except there is not another soul around.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: MarineWpns.1460


I am getting the same thing, but a human female’s voice with my male charr, and a male asura voice with my female asura XD

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Adventurous Cookie.1658

Adventurous Cookie.1658

Yes since the update all my toons are suffering the same bug.I just log out i cannot play like this.

Anet, you’re breaking my heart! You’re going down a path I cannot follow!

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: JeffHardisty.1926


I had this to, but it went away after I restarted the game. I seem to only be getting it on my sylvari ranger.


(edited by JeffHardisty.1926)

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: fnordette.4139


Yes I’ve been having this issue as well. Mostly speaking as a sylvari on my human.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Bekkr.6192


This was funny at first, but now it’s maddening.

I’d hate to see what horror state this patch must have been in before it was delayed.

The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it.
-Salvador Dali

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Girion.5483


Same here. My Sylvari male is saying all kinds of lines, mixed from all races, genders and trigger effects, such as making a reference to the application of vigor, even though I didn’t apply it.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Ookamikun.6472


It seems to occur in areas with players. Inside a dungeon instance my char didn’t “speak” random voice clips, but when I returned back to the map the random clips returned.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Girion.5483


Yeah, I agree. I stood idly around in my home instance and didn’t do anything. No character voices. When you do the same in an open map you start to “hear voices”. Might be that something is wrong with the range of those shouts. Seems like everyone is shouting their lines across the entire map, rather than your own character saying it.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Syphirr.3512


Yeah, I agree. I stood idly around in my home instance and didn’t do anything. No character voices. When you do the same in an open map you start to “hear voices”. Might be that something is wrong with the range of those shouts. Seems like everyone is shouting their lines across the entire map, rather than your own character saying it.

Actually, if you look at your character their mouth moves along with the dialogue. Get a friend to use a shout skill near you and your character will mime it along with them. I have no idea what’s happening..

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Girion.5483


You’re right. My character moves his lips, so it appears as if it’s definitely him saying it, but then why doesn’t he do that in instanced areas as well? My charatcer wears a mask, so I didn’t notice this before. weird, to say the least.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Heather.4823


was hoping this would be fixed, its really annoying

Siren – Aurora Glade

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: muckshifter.9731


reporting same ‘voice’ bug … and bug report is bugged … no in-game bugs are bugged (the little flying things and such)

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Dawntracker.6402


Reporting the same problem: Charr Guardian and my wife’s account has a Sylvari Elementalist, all suffering the phantom “I need help over here!” and “Save yourselves!” with different voices and suchlike. Here’s hoping it gets fixed soon.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Vircora.4810


Yep, I have this too on my female human. But honestly, it’s probably one of the funniest bugs I’ve met, when my character is shouting each few seconds some weird and out of topic things, usually from bandit girl lines haha…

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Leaa.2943


Have the exact same problem, my asuran female ele scream FOR GREAT JUSTICE! with a charr male voice. About every 5-10 sec i get random call outs from human, charrs and asuran. And the most anoying one are those calling for help as if they are downed, i don’t know how many times i tried to find the downed and realize it is this bug. For now i will just stop helping, if people go down they have to manage.
It is also very tiring to always have something shouted in my ear, so a fix would be nice.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: fantasy.8395


It has gotten so bad for me on my end that I just muted gw2 in my volume mixer setting in windows until a fix is put out.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: ZenMorph.1759


Yup, same problem here. It’s a bit maddening. Bit of an immersion killer. Lol.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Oreithyia.3064


the same thing happens to me too.
My female Norn is saying ‘Ich könnte etwas Hilfe gebrauchen" over and over again, with her own voice, the male human voice and the female human voice.
Her mouth moves fitting the shouts, so I’m pretty sure, that it is not another character.
It’s kind of annoying, because I usually actually look around if I can find and help the other player. Not to forget that I’m in a safe place and there’s nothing that could hurt my character except of my own stupidity. :I
It’s kind of funny when she says with the male human voice “Lust zu töten steigt!” (urge to kill rising), while casually standing there in her underwear, modeling for a fanart, but in the long run, I’d like to have this fixed.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Getting quite irritating right now, not only the random voices but the differences in screen shakes (people becoming nauseous because of it), unjustifiable lag… it just goes on.

So patch, much broken…

… wow. -__-

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: thomdane.3670


Yeah, this is quite annoying. Also annoying is having to go “Invisible” then “Active” on each character to type in Guild Chat, having Guild Chat disappear every time I change maps or do a vista or have any cut-scene at all (I’m a Guild Leader and it makes missing questions a pain by having to ask people to repeat themselves while actively playing. However, all these listed things aside, the schizo Voice issue is by far the biggest issue driving me nuts. My character never has this much chatter during normal times, but if I’m just standing still he spouts off crap incessantly in random voices. If this isn’t rolled back or fixed by a patch soon, I’m going to be logging out until it is. I know it seems small, but it grates on my nerves for whatever reason, and I’m not a person who is normally bothered by things like glitches or lets things annoy me.

I am Eredon Terrace
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Zamok.8467


Same thing here, hearing the turret deploying quote over and over is getting quite annoying.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Darkgrammer.9128


It’s hilarious it’s what it is

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: thomdane.3670


Let’s not forget the Guild Building/Influence seems to be broken as well. But, hey, we got a new Stability Mechanic and FPV/Height-based camera change…… yay…….

I am Eredon Terrace
Order of the Blue Heron [OTBH]
Arathorn Cirdon – Warrior | Ariana Cirdon – Mesmer

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Garradan.2190


I am not sure if someone else said this but to fix the guild and map chat you hit the Y key and you set yourself to invisible then you set yourself away and then set yourself to online and this has worked for me to fixing the chat for guild and map chat.
***To temp fix the audio bug in WvW and PvP you can go to audio settings and turn down the Dialog Volume.

(edited by Garradan.2190)

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Bathos.6341


I’d swear I caught one of my characters doing a raptor chirp in LA today, (could have been mistaken though I was just comming back from afk/bathroom break).

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: BlueOwl.1675


Having the same issue. The issue started last night, 03/16/15. I play a Sylvari Male and I’m hearing alot of Char/human voices yelling things like “retreat”. Probly because i’m in Diessa plateau. It is very annoying, hope there is a fix soon. Wonder if it had to do with the last patch somehow.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: humfrid.2615


I am experiencing this character talking issue as well and it is extremely irritating. My female Asura Guardian constantly utters other races/professions’ dialogue. Please fix this, it’s driving me crazy (even crazier than usual)!

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: humfrid.2615


P.S.: The problem has been introduced with yesterday’s patch and today’s update didn’t fix it.

Character Talking Problem

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Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Yes me too, last night my female asura necro was saying lots of weird things, many of them male, which was a tad surprising lol XD I knew it was ‘me’ straight away, as I was completely alone the first time it happened, and then also a few times later. My brother was having the same issue on his guardian too.

What’s with the weird downsized loading screens too? Not on-topic I know, don’t see anyone else mentioning it though so may be just me?