(edited by Genev.2450)
Chat and guild bug
Still no improvement, reinstalled the game to check if it was clientside, didn’t change anything.
On top of that, now i also have my party bugged occasionally.
It’s “frozen” as in, people who leave are still visible in party for me, i cant leave by:
- right clicking and pressing leave party
- clicking on the little arrow above the party window and leave party
- write leave
I had to restart the game, after which the party window had updated and i could leave.
I forgot in my previous post btw:
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Guild: Crimson Imperium Reborn [CIR] (though i’m not entirely sure that matter considering i’m the only one having trouble)
I seem to be able to see everyone now in the guild window, still can’t see the build queue (except for 5 mins after a server restart) and chat is still bugged in every way possible.
Also, still can’t see the guild tag of my own guild.
I’m collecting for the legendary now and also would like to have compelted every dungeon in the game, but unless i find a few people in guild interested in PvE (We’re a WvW guild) I’m kitten out of luck since i can’t communicate with pugs like this
Ive been having the same problem for over a month now. Ive reported it and heard nothing back and now a couple of guildys are having the same problem.
Victrixx [xVx]
Please to refer to this thread for issues with the guild system. No need to create new discussion threads or post to ones that have long been unattended.