(edited by Nessarose.4218)
Chat filter - Re----tion
I would love to see that there would be a function to turn the filter off too. Sometimes you just want to chat with friends and since were all mature we do not have any problems with some light swearing (in private or party chat of course). Being not prude at all, i think people should be able to swear a little when they die of some unexpected reason or what so ever.
~ Desolation
There is an option to turn off the filter (not at home right now, so can’t check). Not sure if it was on the regular options, or the chat options on the chat window… But the option to disable it is there.
Its in General options the third from the top, Profanity Filter.
Ah thank you, i must have missed that.
~ Desolation
Yes you can disable it, it makes no sense in EU servers because people talk plenty of languages in them, in our Portuguese guild we can’t say “fica”, that is “Stay”.
Asura thing.
I just learned that on maximum settings, the chat filter censors the sex of Kessex Hills. I’d been playing around with the filter and seeing the difference between the three settings and forgotten that it was on maximum. Anyhow, this is an issue.
(edited by Nessarose.4218)
I find it hilarious that the chat filter applies to non-player text, like NPC speech :P
I find it hilarious that the chat filter applies to non-player text, like NPC speech :P