Check my account isn't causing bug

Check my account isn't causing bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

When SFR stopped being full after I left, and SoS mysteriously became full even though that is not possible… I jokingly thought that maybe my account might be causing some sort of bug…

now I am not so sure it is a joke…

Not for the first time, I have entered a borderland where there are only a small number of players to be told that there is a que to join the borderland. It was happening on SFR and now it is happening on SoS too. It just seems too much of a coincidence that these problems have followed me from SFR to SoS.

So please check to see if my account is causing some sort of bug. I’ve not tampered in any way with the program and don’t use any add-on type programs. So if there is an issue it will be 100% GW2 related.

Thank you

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Check my account isn't causing bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

SoS became full because of its high OCX population and more guilds/players transferring. There is also a formula Anet uses to determine what makes a WvW server “full” or not. Has nothing to do with your own personal account (except that you add another body onto the total wvw count)

And just because you cannot see all of the players does not mean that there isn’t enough for a queue, even if it’s just a small one. Happens all the time :P