Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Last thing I need, and the Quaggan is still stuck in the rocks. So sad.

(edited by Blude.6812)

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


The second Superior Skelk Liver you need to craft either the Infused Tiger Milk or Infused Tiger Food seems to be bugged to not drop after already dropping one Superiro Skelk Liver. I’ve been personally farming for a little over 4 hours now, and yet to receive the drop. Been seeing alot of other players also encountering the same issue, because I still see them also trying to farm for it.

Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Evan Zynda.8631


Evan Zynda.8631

QA Embed


Last thing I need, and the Quaggan is still stuck in the rocks. So sad.

The second Superior Skelk Liver you need to craft either the Infused Tiger Milk or Infused Tiger Food seems to be bugged to not drop after already dropping one Superiro Skelk Liver. I’ve been personally farming for a little over 4 hours now, and yet to receive the drop. Been seeing alot of other players also encountering the same issue, because I still see them also trying to farm for it.

The response to these issues is further up in the thread. It’s known and is getting fixed, no eta but soon hopefully.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Vegeta.2563


Last thing I need, and the Quaggan is still stuck in the rocks. So sad.

The second Superior Skelk Liver you need to craft either the Infused Tiger Milk or Infused Tiger Food seems to be bugged to not drop after already dropping one Superiro Skelk Liver. I’ve been personally farming for a little over 4 hours now, and yet to receive the drop. Been seeing alot of other players also encountering the same issue, because I still see them also trying to farm for it.

The response to these issues is further up in the thread. It’s known and is getting fixed, no eta but soon hopefully.

Waiting at Entry 13 for almost 14 hrs. I hope this fix is really soon.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Necrid.2705


Perhaps a suggestion? (I know, I know, speghetti-code and all…. but I just want to plant this seed.) Can you add a 5 or 15 minute event-fail to the tigers? This might be easier to implement than your guys’ “fix” and would let us reset these while you work on your Soon™ fix. … because as it stands now, between the bugs and the trolls, it’s blocking progress in all ways.

— Necrid — Ehmry Bay — [TML]/[oG] — Charrdian Main — All Classes
— [Twitch] — [GW-EN] “Necrid and Chill”

(edited by Necrid.2705)

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


5 kills in, and still no Superior Skelk Liver…

Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


Please send a fix soon, its the only thing stopping me from making chuka and chumpawat!

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: ZINZER.8937


Chuka and Champawat III: Tigris

" master of the cliff " Collection Clear impossible ...

i try many times clear fractal cliff map but i can’t clear " master of the cliff " Collection.


Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


/threaten once you break the final seal, just spam the emote

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


5 kills in, and still no Superior Skelk Liver…

Kill 16, still no Superior Skelk Liver…

Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: detown.2073


C/C tier 4. How do i get the Tiger Training Guide Sub collection? I have the Tiger Training Guide, but it only takes me to Den.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


C/C tier 4. How do i get the Tiger Training Guide Sub collection? I have the Tiger Training Guide, but it only takes me to Den.

craft a crude leather book and bring it to cymbel

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: detown.2073


C/C tier 4. How do i get the Tiger Training Guide Sub collection? I have the Tiger Training Guide, but it only takes me to Den.

craft a crude leather book and bring it to cymbel

Yea thats what I thought, but the option doesn’t pop up. I have the Tiger Training Guide Unlocked. But when I click on it…it just give me options to the Den.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Evan Zynda.8631


Evan Zynda.8631

QA Embed


The Tiger Training Guide sub-collection should unlock once you get the Tiger Training Guide from Cymbel. After this, youll need to use the guide to bring a tiger along and complete each objective noted in the sub-collection. All of those collections are located within the “Legendary Weapons” section of the “Collections” category in the achievements panel.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: kimwriter.5193


Still bugged. Server


Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: darksoverign.5360


Hey look another quality Anet update they made us wait months for… bugs bugs everywhere… why do I expect anything different..

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Krazher.7816


5 kills in, and still no Superior Skelk Liver…

Kill 16, still no Superior Skelk Liver…

Odd, i got both after 2 kills, and the second kill even gave me a regular liver.

(edited by Krazher.7816)

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Still no superior liver fix, nor e-mail back from support about it

It’s all I need to finish at this point :/

Any news about a fix going out today?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Reaper.6295


The tiger isnt appearing at the Crimson Plateau even though the health bar is there. People are told not to start or finish the JP for 10min but not everyone listens so you cant.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Varrison.2871


Unfortunately the superior skelk liver, which you need for collection 4, is bugged. You will not get the second one if you already crafted one of the infused items with the first liver and brought it to the tiger den.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DarkwindStrike.7930


The tiger isnt appearing at the Crimson Plateau even though the health bar is there. People are told not to start or finish the JP for 10min but not everyone listens so you cant.

This issue exactly. You can see the “Signs of Tiger Habitation” trigger object from the high grassy rock just fine. However when you jump down to the platform it disappears and Champawat’s Health bar is displayed, but you can’t see the tiger.

Most players are trying the Tribulation Caverns fix, (of staying out of the area for a few minutes to let it reset) but each time someone attempts the jumping puzzle one of the required jumping paths is so close to the platform that it triggers the event resetting the reset timer.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


“Thank you for contacting us and I’m sorry you’ve come across this bug. Sadly, we are unable to provide you with the item needed to complete the collection. As stated on the forums, we are currently working on a fix. You will have to wait till that fix is released before any actions are taken. Sorry for the inconvenience.


GM Toxic Reign
Guild Wars 2 Support Team"

Awesome, and how long will this take because as far as I am awarem the recent patch was supposed to fix this issue….

Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

(edited by DoogySnowStalker.2069)

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


“Thank you for contacting us and I’m sorry you’ve come across this bug. Sadly, we are unable to provide you with the item needed to complete the collection. As stated on the forums, we are currently working on a fix. You will have to wait till that fix is released before any actions are taken. Sorry for the inconvenience.


GM Toxic Reign
Guild Wars 2 Support Team"

Awesome, and how long will this take because as far as I am awarem the recent patch was supposed to fix this issue….

Please fix this bug asap it’s the only thing stopping me from making the shortbow.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


Oh Bleepdoop, why hath thou forsaken me…. for 7 hours.

Was actually enjoying the collection until I realized there are no other maps I could possibly join to have a working event

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


The tiger isnt appearing at the Crimson Plateau even though the health bar is there. People are told not to start or finish the JP for 10min but not everyone listens so you cant.

Unfortunately, waiting 10 minutes doesn’t seem to do anything at all anyway. I waited at the perch off to the side of the area with a group of four or five other people a few hours ago. We watched the area like a hawk for 13 minutes, and then one of us went over. No change happened, and no tiger appeared for anyone.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: X Mastercobra.3751

X Mastercobra.3751

Bagred won’t give the recipe for the hunter’s kit

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Nunna.6413


I tried asking people around to just stay away from the spawn area in diessa plateu for 10 mins but with so many grievers around it’s impossible to do it, i even try during off hour and still nothing, can dev just mail us the item so we can move on to the next quest :/ or maybe have a gm stand by for a bit there to help spawn the tiger? either way anything that can help us progressing will be fine. please .. but i’ll be waiting for you dev to mail me the Hunter’s journal entry 13 thanks in advance, my account is Nunna.6413


Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Vas.7306


Yeah I just ran into the entry 13 bugged event, and if the bugged event remains broken longer every time someone comes close enough to see the HP bar, it will never be clear, as every person starting the jumping puzzle comes close enough by default. Very disheartening to be on either side of this event, the people waiting or the people unknowingly stumbling upon it.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Riz.8925


Crimson Plateau JP Bug for Part III.

It seems like there are a lot of people needlessly stuck on this part of the collection for Part III. From what they say if someone goes and tries to get credit for the collection the area bugs out for 10 mins + and everyone then has to sit around on a ledge and wait and hope that 1) no one jumps down or 2) that someone selfishly re spawns to see if they can get credit and if not reset timer and log off. This is inconvenient please fix it.

There’s a guy here who said hes been camping for 5+ hours and has not been able to get it.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Crimson Plateau JP Bug for Part III.

It seems like there are a lot of people needlessly stuck on this part of the collection for Part III. From what they say if someone goes and tries to get credit for the collection the area bugs out for 10 mins + and everyone then has to sit around on a ledge and wait and hope that 1) no one jumps down or 2) that someone selfishly re spawns to see if they can get credit and if not reset timer and log off. This is inconvenient please fix it.

There’s a guy here who said hes been camping for 5+ hours and has not been able to get it.

The 10 minute thing seems to either not work or be very finicky. I stood there with a group of people last night, waited 13 minutes and didn’t see a single person pop in over there or jump over, and the event still didn’t fix itself.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Ashura.1052


[Part IV: Baby book] It seems people getting trouble with 2nd drop of superior skelk liver from Champ Jungle Skelk. The first one is easy, but after that i try for few times and no drop at all. Is this a bug or intended?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Chimson.2687


[Part IV: Baby book] It seems people getting trouble with 2nd drop of superior skelk liver from Champ Jungle Skelk. The first one is easy, but after that i try for few times and no drop at all. Is this a bug or intended?

this is a bug, they’re aware of the issue, but no eta on the fix.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Ashura.1052


[Part IV: Baby book] It seems people getting trouble with 2nd drop of superior skelk liver from Champ Jungle Skelk. The first one is easy, but after that i try for few times and no drop at all. Is this a bug or intended?

this is a bug, they’re aware of the issue, but no eta on the fix.

OMG ANET please hurry fix thissss….you blocking my progress!

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: DoogySnowStalker.2069


Any eta on the bug fix, anet? The only thing I need is to complete the collection for The Gift of Family to craft my shortbow :/


Is a Warrior just a pet without a Ranger?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Lady Deedra.3126

Lady Deedra.3126

Tier 1: Journal Entry 18. Every time we approach the interact spot it disappears and the health bar appears but no tiger to fight.

Skjold Pjod
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Meow Ren.5382

Meow Ren.5382

Hunter’s Journal, entry/part 18. Several people are here at the spawn point for the tiger above Halkor Meadows. When you approach the marker the event to battle it appears, but no tiger. We’ve tried backing away out of trigger distance to try to let it reset, but there are enough people on this stage of the Journal that someone is coming by every few minutes.

IP is:

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: cyfinity.2078


i’m having an issue where cymbel wont give me the baby book after i have completed and recieved the tiger den map, she just keeps giving me complete journals over and over

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


i’m having an issue where cymbel wont give me the baby book after i have completed and recieved the tiger den map, she just keeps giving me complete journals over and over

It doesnt say it but you need to bring a crude leather book (crafted) to her. Hope this helps!

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Skaazi.8264


Is it intended that anyone can enter the tiger den of someone who has completed the collection and take a tiger cub?

As you can see in my attachment, I have not gotten very far in the collection but I stole a cub anyway.


Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Gaspar.5630


Superior Skelk Liver don’t drop the second time from The champion Skelk (Mount Maelstrom). I am stuck for 2 days now =/
Please help me T_T

(edited by Gaspar.5630)

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Rhuen.6712


Still wait for Skelk fix too.
The whole weekend i do the Legendary Journey and now im stuck.

Evan Zynda said
“The response to these issues is further up in the thread. It’s known and is getting fixed, no eta but soon hopefully.”

Give us the Fix or Change the recipient until is it fix.
3 Days for give us a small update to change/fix this?

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Ashura.1052


yeah ANET what took you so long just to fix this thing….

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Pastry.4915


Just throwing my hat in the ring here that the 2nd Skelk liver bug is also the last thing keeping me from finishing the bow.

Level 80 – One of Everything

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: JollyKaren.5879


I literally have nothing left in this game to do as of now but this short bow and its taking an insane amount of time and still no ETA……………………..

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Chop Suey.5860

Chop Suey.5860

I’m in the same boat…Just finished up the fractal backpack… took long enough. More waiting on the liver issue.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: kimwriter.5193


WHY Anet? WHY?


Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: CCGTyger.2965


Same as above, been stuck at end of Part 1 for 10 hours.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Evan Zynda.8631


Evan Zynda.8631

QA Embed


Hi everyone,
Most of the issues in this thread should now have been patched as of yesterday’s hotfix. Please let us know if you’re experiencing any other issues.

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: cyfinity.2078


the crash site meta event for the tiger book collection cant be finished because the first event in the meta chain wont continue as the 7th noble(merula) just stand at the bottom of the slope preventing it from completing

Chuka and Champawat Legendary Journey Bugs

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Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I have a problem with “Craze’s Folly Feasibility Report”, reached (without mesmer portals or anything like that) the end of the JP and looted the chest, too. It didnt unlock in the collection

I tried relogging and rerunning the JP from scratch. Nothing helped.
On the side note you can pick up the Crimson Sunflowers (I finished the collection related to it) at the JP chest each time you relog and it is worth like 2 silvers. Not sure if it is intended.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)