Citadel of Flame on Stormbluff Isle BUGGED.

Citadel of Flame on Stormbluff Isle BUGGED.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nellian Kei.6549

Nellian Kei.6549

As the Title itself states. The Citadel of Flame instance is bugged. Ash Legion owns both the Gate and Senecus Castrum. The NPC outside of the Instance is constantly stating that we have the Citadel of Flame unlocked and etc. But the instance is closed off by boulders that teleport you back to the front of the instance if you try to run in any further.

Please Fix. The only way to currently run this instance on our server is to somehow find people from other servers to invite us to run it. This is very frustrating :C