(edited by starlightx.3728)
Cleansing Water bug since Beta (Ele)
This bug exists from Beta it also affects Undercurrent (underwater skill) and Mist Form while traited with Soothing Disruption.
This bug exists from Beta it also affects Undercurrent (underwater skill) and Mist Form while traited with Soothing Disruption.
THANKS for contributing!!
Gonna go test it out but I won’t be surprised if this is true.
Well if this bug is known since beta i suggest you to bump this thread for another 2 year. Appearantly they dont know or dont even want to fix it so dont hold your breath.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Well if this bug is known since beta i suggest you to bump this thread for another 2 year. Appearantly they dont know or dont even want to fix it so dont hold your breath.
723 more days to go!
Added to the wiki now:
Mist form is still bugged. I wonder when the fix will arrive.
I didn’t tested the other skills but probably also bugged.
765 days and still counting. Bugged as hell.
888 days and traited Mist Form and Undercurrent still don’t remove condtions.
Do t hold your breath fellers any bets bugs (moa killing all minions???) are long buried and forgotten about regardless of mention. you’re better off asking for buffs and nerfs than bug fixes at this point :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Mist Form plus new Soothing Disruption remove condition when traited with Cleansing Water.
Undercurrent still buged and do not remove condition while traited with Cleansing Water.
This week I will try and test Sylvari Heal and Rune of Dwayna if they work with Cleansing Water
I have tested today Sylvari heal skill “Healing Seed” and “Rune of Dwayna” 6th bonus and it still do not remove condition with “Cleansing Water” trait.