Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: capnkewl.5019


So being the Clock tower junkie I am, I was just messing around. Standing on top of the staircase at the very end, you can let the Green wave pass over you. Now you can freely go back down the tower and not worry about the green wave anymore. This can potentially be exploited by going back to the lower chests and just waiting for them to close again.

I tried standing on a bunch of other objects on the tower, but only the last staircase is safe. So really it’s only possible for people who got to the end xD and are skilled enough not to fall when going back down.

you can remove the link if you want :x or yeah. picuture’s worth a thousand words right? xD

(edited by capnkewl.5019)

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Outstanding on creating that video, shows the exact proof.
This would be a ‘glitch’ since you are now able to open up the chests and even after that go back on top and jump in the window.

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: capnkewl.5019


well doesn’t show the go back to top, but i’ve tested it and yeah, you can.

I think for your thread, there are some cases of people surviving through slime randomly, but this is the only repeatable way I know of doing it.

Clocktower green wave not teleporting at top staircase

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


Guys this is absolutely serious!
Check out this video: on youtube
I tested this report and it actually works every single time.
Fix it, it allows you to stay in there and do crap…