Collections Achievements bug

Collections Achievements bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Conncept.7638


For some reason, I have several skins, three that I have discovered so far, which I have ‘unlocked’ according to the achievements, but do not appear in the wardrobe, because I have never actually owned them, they are just randomly unlocked in the achievements without my ever having obtained them.

I would have probably never noticed except that someone informed me that the BL collection achievements shouldn’t show except for sets in which you own a skin, and I have the Tormented and Lovestruck collection unlocked, with the black licorice scepter and carebear sword. I am absolutely positive I have never owned either of these weapons, as I barely get any BL tickets, and if I did there is no way I would ever spend it on two weapon skins I don’t even like.

Collections Achievements bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I have this bug since release of the feature pack. Pretty annoying if you are OCD about completing achievements and now you see achievements you dont want to complete.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Collections Achievements bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Same here. I don’t know how it happened, but I basically just ignore the entire Black Lion collection tab so it doesn’t trigger my completionist urges.

Collections Achievements bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


The game tells me I collected two bl weapons (one aetherized, one torment), but in reality I never owned these.