Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, but set a man on fire . . .
Commander Spoon Causing Game Crash
Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, but set a man on fire . . .
I had the same problem as well. Tried to do it 4 times and as soon as i would right click on the spoon instant crash of the game. This will become super annoying when that is the only spoon i need to complete the set!!!
The Siege Commander’s Spoon is account-bound on acquisition, meaning it should get automatically added to your collection when you find it — assuming you have the starter item, i.e. the Collectible Spoon Box Since that’s free, there seems little reason to wait to pick it up.
Once you own that, you can manually check that you have credit for the WvW spoon by going to the Hero panel (default key: [h]) → Collections → Basic Collections → Koutaphile. If for some reason you don’t have credit for the Siege spoon, sell the spoon to any vendor and buy it back (also from any vendor) before you exit the map. In the worst case, just sell it and wait until you get another (they seem to drop reasonably often).
If none of that works, fill out a support ticket so that they can follow up with you personally. (Reporting here works for getting the dev team to address the bug, but won’t necessarily result in individual attention for your account.)
Good luck and if you have time, please let us know how it turns out.