Complete 2 exploration maps without gifts
Did you already receive them prior to the new waypoints? you do not get the reward again if you already completed it in the past.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
For Straits of Devastation it is possible but i dont remember..
For Cursed Shore NO.. i dont have its gift box.
Is possible that in some maps has been added 1 or more check points and the gift box has been disabled / bugged ?
I have also 100% completed the maps and never got my reward…
Screenshots attached
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Try going to the chantry of secrets in bloodtide coast.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
I am order of whispers, I’ve been there. Argh! So silly! We checked, rechecked, and checked again… I’m not missing anything that I know of… and I asked someone with 8 characters with 100% world completion…
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Even if you’ve been there, try going again. It usually fixes the problem for people to go back after they hit 100%.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
I think that if “NCsoft” has added 1 or more check points in some maps is possible that they are unckecked (bug if i have completed the map before the adding).
So i think my 100% of exploration is a calculation error for a single map or for all world..
Is it possible ?
Evalana can you go to “Cursed Shore” and check if a new checkpoint is checked or not ?
The checkpoint is in extreme SOUTH – EAST of the map !
For Straits of Devastation can you see in NORTH – WEST.
Try going to the chantry of secrets in bloodtide coast.
This. Fixed my problem as well.
A known bug they need to fix.
The Evalana or Callynn problem is not equal of my “problem”..
I dont receive 100% gift boxes in 2 explorable maps after the big game patch,
can i resolve my problem if I will go to chantry of secrets in bloodtide coast ?
Wow – the Chantry thing worked for me that time. Thank you!! <3
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Just completed Wayfarers Foothills without getting rewards, says im missing 1 heart (15/16) , yet i count 16 completed hearts on map.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.