Connection Error Detected.. HELP
It keeps showing me this message every now and then. Mostly with updates, but now on an updated game aswell. Restarting PC doesn’t work, moving the file to another folder doesn’t work, adding some text I found on reddit to the name doesn’t work…
this kitten kitten is driving me crazy by now
did you check your firewall if it is not set to block gw2.exe.
did you try checking your internet connection?
right click the connection at the bottom right of your screen press troubleshoot problem make a diagnostic see if the test find anything.
do 3 speed test. is the speed of all the 3 reading always around the same number or does it vary a lot? is it the speed you are paying for with your isp?
do you have a modem or router disconnect the power cord for 1 minute and reconnect doing this will remove bug. and could solve the issue. if your modem is also for your phone it could have a battery inside in that case there is a pin hole with a button that you need to press for one minute to reset the modem.
you could also make a trace route command to Anet server to see in the hoops where the connection issue is found. here is how:
you could also go look in guildwars2 support how to make diag and file integrity check for the game client.
(edited by stephanie wise.7841)