Constant Liadri Bugs
Expect a fix in 2015.
- the edge of the red zone is hard to see. Several times, thought I was out of it, but when downed, it was clear that I wasn’t.
- The cosmic rifts are just one more thing you need to be ready for. If they are really griefing you, party up with someone and ask them to target the rifts ASAP.
The guildwars2 subreddit has a ton of posts about beating Liadri, none of which address either issue named here. That suggests to me that it’s possible by skill alone to manage both.
For myself, I have tried to adapt to both situations. As noted above, I now assume the edge of the AOE is a bit farther than it looks to me and I tried to make sure I can swap targets to the rift as soon as it appears.
The problems I keep having (though I do not know if these are bugs or not) are:
1) When near the red ground attack, I can stand just outside if I stand side on or face it. If I have my back to it I get hit;
2) Sometimes my character freezes up for a second after having picked up the light crystals;
3) Sometimes the light crystals despawn in my hand a split second after I have picked them up (it flashes the new skills then disappears right away);
4) Spontaneous death with no vision around (I would guess a vision spawned on my location but you don’t see it).
Proud to be an Engineer