Constant knockdown on Halmi Hammerfell fight.
I tried a different arena. Apparently certain arenas are bugged……………………….ridiculous
yea this is bs…
1. knocked down as soon as i got in the arena
2. knocked down when Halmi was standing still
3. knocked down even when he didnt attack at all
4. knocked down when I got close to him.
4. knocked down when i was just running…. wtf.
Stability is no use… dodge wont work. anet plz fix ur game!!!
Mike O’Brien: "We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one having this issue… I was wondering how you were supposed to battle 100% knockdown lol.
250 years later, still haven’t forgotten…
Had this issue as well. It took me a while to figure out that in another arena this was not the case.
Maybe someone before us had the Tremor-Gambit? Or it was still active in that arena?
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