(edited by Moderator)
Content temporarily disabled?
Since the new patch June 25, 2013- All 3x I have leveled on my Engineer i have received the error message across my screen, and in my chat log:
That content has been temporarily been disabled. Please try again later.
Please tell me… Just exactly What content has been disabled on level-up, and why?
I am completely baffled by this. I have Never seen this message before.
I had thought the first two times it happened that it was something having to do with the current Event running. The third time, I leveled by heart completion, turning in items to a Skritt. There was no potential conflict of Event Chain, or Ætherblade or… anything that I am aware of.
All three level-ups happened in 3 different Zones. Metrica Provence, Kessex Hills, and the last in Brisban Wildlands, all in different Events or happenings.
I have no idea what’s going on.
Also a more active and relevant post here:
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
(edited by tovadaun.6304)
I am getting this error also, after event that I finish
It seems to have stopped for events, but I received this error when I leveled
(edited by imaginose.3291)
I too have gotten this message after looting goem after completion of the goem’s lab jump puzzle.
512GB Samsung 950pro | 2TB SATA-3 | AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
I think this is related to the new AoE Loot option. Did you have it enabled in the options (box ticked) or bound a new key to it?
I have this in Aetherblade Retreat mb when looting, or just killing mobs.
I think this is related to the new AoE Loot option. Did you have it enabled in the options (box ticked) or bound a new key to it?
I do have it keybound in misc, but I only get the error now when I level
Which by the way, I love being able to keybind loot separate from interact !!
(edited by imaginose.3291)
Was running around Southsun farming Reef Riders + Mosquitoes. Upon killing/looting one, along with my Potent Venom Sac I received a random redtext “That content has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later.” message. The hell?
I noticed another little patch this morning…did they finally get around to removing Supply Crates, or something? Because I’d still been getting them up until yesterday. I’m thinking maybe one tried to drop and that could be the cause for the message..?
I created a thread last night about this. It happened to me three times, all on level-up, in three different zones, two during events, once turning in Heart items. OP is Here
There are other posts about this as well now I am seeing.
The last time it happened, I was not looting anything.
Also, I apologize if the link isn’t proper, I’ve never used this kind of system before, and have no idea if I’ve done it right. May take a few edits, I’m sure.
Whoo hoo! I got it right!
That is all.
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
I’ve gotten this a number of times. So far, only when I leveled right after an event/mob kill. I’ve noticed it in Queensdale, for sure. Probably other maps, as well.
(edited by danbuter.2314)
Got this on level up last night — but no other times.
I have the AoE looting enabled (same key as my Interact key) but haven’t had any issues with that. I don’t think they’re related.
Never got it using the F for AoE looting or the keybind but I DID get it right after killing the The Shatterer. Maybe it was attempting to AoE loot the chest?
Gotten it on level up as well.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.
I had this warning come up for me twice in the past week. Both times, however, it seems linked to whenever my character has leveled up.
Myself and some guildies are also getting this issue, its every level up. Wasn’t doing it earlier so I wonder if its to do with specific zones. Has been happening to me in Frostgorge Sound.
Snowden Drifts for me.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.
Again, on Level-up. Here’s the next pic.
Again, Level-up on Heart completion, not Event related.
Again, Different Zone.
So if the update today was to have addressed this, it failed.
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
Yep, I’m getting it too. Very worrysome.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I have also had this happen with my Elementalist.
It’s not really leveling specific. Had it come up after killing some holograms in Mount Maelstrom. Had it come up after killing The Shatterer. Also had it happen in some other places and activities. That was on different characters and professions.
So clearly something is wrong. The question is what? And more importantly, is it costing me mah shinies!?
I have just had this happen twice to me also. Each time when I leveled up. Strange bug
I don’t think it’s ‘costing’ us anything. It is telling us that we aren’t able to do something. Not get something. If it were a matter of looting, or obtaining, I think we’d get a different error, like when your bags are too full.
Also, I’ve received this 2 of the 4 times and I have not received any reward except XP. I have leveled by Exploration, wandering into a new area, Discovery boom Level boom Error boom. Nothing to be withheld.
I had worried about that point myself, honestly. If I was not getting something in my loot table, or the like. The first time it happened, I leveled and received Group Event Glorious Chest Rewards simultaneously. I thought maybe it was telling me there was an error with it.
But now this doesn’t seem to be the case. At least on my side.
If others find theirs is working differently, there may be some more heinous bug happening. O.o
Teaching myself how to use grammar. sigh
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
Request to a Moderator to merge the threads, please? Pretty please?
I’ll behave, I promise!
(as long as behaving involves maiming Ætherblades! )
Thank you!! <3
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
(edited by tovadaun.6304)
Anyone checked if we’re still getting a skill point from levelling?
For those who hasn’t figure out yet, they removed several traits and that’s why we get this message every time we lvl up (every time we gain a level, the game “update” or “search” our traits and those “removed” are actually disabled and hence the message).
(edited by daimasei.4091)
Live Response QA
Thank you for posting this issue! Any screenshots are greatly appreciated.
This also happened to me today. Once when I killed a centaur in Harathi Hinterlands, and once when I killed a spider in Gendarran Fields. I didn’t level up on either occasion.
I suspect it could be loot that has already been added to the loot tables, but hasn’t been enabled yet.
I had this error message appear last night while playing. it only happened when I leveled up. I don’t have a screenshot, but I did notice that the flash (similar to when you get a skillpoint) and the pushback that usually comes with leveling up did not happen.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Happened to be in Orr from Risen
I got this error at the completion of the dungeon reward popup.
This error has appeared several times since the last update. Once when I looted a corpse (screenshot attached), and another time when I accepted the reward for completing the daily.
Has happened to me as well, each time that I have gained a level.
Lvl70, gathered a Portobello Mushroom. Hit 70, got error. Again.
I only receive it on level up.
Friend I play with was getting the errors for prior 3 lvls, but when he hit lvl80 he didn’t get one, so no screenshot to send in. Figures.
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
Also got it after killing Mk II Golem, got it after harvesting ONE of the artichokes in the artichoke patch in Mount Maelstrom. Didn’t level in either case.
Friend got it using Axe #3 on warrior, same map.
Thank you for posting this issue! Any screenshots are greatly appreciated.
I was in Southsun a few hours ago just harvesting Passiflora and had that pop up on my screen.
I was able to catch the screen shot but noticed it in my chat window. So I took that shot as well.
(edited by lynspottery.6529)
It popped up for me when completing Join the Iron Legion in Tearing Down the Ascalonian Wall.
I’m consistently getting the message when I do skill challenges that require me to channel energy from a spot for a few seconds. I get the skill point, the animation, the completion progress on the map, but also the big fat red text on my screen.
Same for my guildie.
This message seems to have different reasons. The once you get when you level could be related to the changes to traits. But that should be easy to solve. Look at your traits, change them al and change them back.
The one I get is after I killed something and want to loot it. It is not related to the new AoE loot, because it also happens with the normal loot option. I think the loot table is referencing to not yet release content. So we indeed loose some loot here. Should be fixed when the content becomes available. Maybe in the next few days, maybe after the next patch. Or ArenaNet should look at their loot tables and see where they link to not yet released content.
Seems to have happened on level up for me – see attached chat log screenshot.
Different maps, killing normal mobs from memory … so doing nothing special/different than normal
after the escort of Agent Rexx also error coming up in Caledon Forrest
Veteran of Far Shiverpeaks since headstart
I got the error message after looting a Branded Devourer right before The Shatterer landed. I know I leveled 3 times last night, but I don’t think I gained a level at that point.
Happened last night after successful completion of the Giant Wurm event in Caldeon.
I’ve got the same message. I’m 90% sure the 3 times I’ve seen it was when I got a level up, and I’m pretty sure each time was due to a kill, though 1 level up might have been from a daily complete xp. I’ve been meaning to make a bug post about it.
Suppose I should put I’m playing a human female Guardian, if that helps any, and that I’ve only gotten the message in PvE I think, even though I’m pretty sure I got a level in WvW last night.
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Happened to me as well.
I’m guessing ANet has put in some groundwork for either new levels (new expansion), or additional perks you get as you ‘gain levels’ once you hit 80.
Happened to me after downing some mobs while roaming for my daily kills.
I had this happen last night twice after killing something in orr. I was only one that got this message out of a couple people. I did not try to loot, it happened as soon as whatever I was attacking died.
By the way, this is the exact same message you get if a merchant is disabled (as was done before) as well as if loot is disabled on a mob (happened with risen grubs when they were giving rare loot continuously)