Corrupt Boon missing

Corrupt Boon missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

while I’m in LoS, facing my opponents they have 4+ boons on them. yet it misses 9/10 times.. not dodged, evaded or anything.. it simply misses.. over and over and over again..
this should not happen with a unblockable skill, besides after it misses it goes on the full cooldown..

So either it casts and hits but does nothing (works as it should without converting boons)
or it simply does nothing at all.

Eitherway, should be looked over and fixed since it’s the one utility that does (did) something decent.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Corrupt Boon missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mac.7249


as a side note, I have noticed Life Blast doesn’t seem to be hitting at times also. have noticed it more when something has its back to a wall. Its as if I have nothing targeted, no “obstructed” or damage numbers.

TC Necromonger

Corrupt Boon missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TyranosEH.3768


I can confirm this.

Please note that there is a thread about the subject in the necro subforum too:

Corrupt Boon missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

It isn’t just Necro skills doing this. Mesmer GS 1 sometimes does the same thing. I’ve had to stop attacking, and start again, just to do damage.

Also, this explains why it seemed like Corrupt Boon wasn’t doing anything. I thought I was doing something wrong >.<