Could Not Swap Weapons on Marrionette Pad

Could Not Swap Weapons on Marrionette Pad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darlgon.9273


Soo.. last night my mezmer was stuck with only Scepter/Focus while on the pad, after being ported in for a second round, following a few failures from the other lanes. We were fighting the clockwork that breaks into two and REALLY could have used my being able to ~ over to my staff. Once we failed the event, and right before I died, I landed in Lane 3, where I started, and was able to ~ swap right before I died.

I asked about this in TS. Someone said it was a known bug, but I cannot find anything about it in the forums. I bugged it in game, but, you know “Dont expect a personal responce to bug reports.”

Anyone have a workaround if it happens again?

Charrdian, Ashura Mesmer, Norn Ranger, Sylvari Elementalist and Human Magic Engineer

Could Not Swap Weapons on Marrionette Pad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

The issue is caused by having your weapon swap be on cooldown when a cinematic hits. The workaround is to open your hero panel and manually click the “weapon switch” button there. This will fix the issue.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Could Not Swap Weapons on Marrionette Pad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Isaac The Great.5341

Sir Isaac The Great.5341

I know of the work around but that is not acceptable. This bug has been around too long for it to not be patched. Same with the bug where you cant attack or use any traits. I am so sick of them both as they have messed up runs and events countless times.