Crackling audio

Crackling audio

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aerwyna.2541


So, I have a G930 headset and I have noticed that ONLY in GW2 does the audio crack. Not the actual game audio, its the music I am trying to listen to while playing GW2. If I tab out, the crackling sound stops immediately, but as soon as I tab back into the game, there it is.

Has anyone had this? Any fixes or does anyone know whats going on?
Thank you in advance.

Renoria Blackheart loves her kitty Kronos. <3
Proud member of the Blackgate community.

Crackling audio

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KRUSSIDULL.6845


I dont know if I should have made a new topic but I have the same problem now after installing Windows 10. Never had a problem Before with Windows 7. Also when tabbing out the Music becomes louder while cracking a bit if that makes any sense. I have not figured out a solotion for this yet and it only appears to affect Guild Wars 2.

Edit: I have the Logitech G35 headset

Brute Swiftclaw | Far Shiverpeaks | Mistforged Heroes:

(edited by KRUSSIDULL.6845)