Crafting 2nd mini toy destroys the 1st?

Crafting 2nd mini toy destroys the 1st?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: headcrash.6354


I saved up for the plush griffon, and made it 2 days ago. This morning I did Tixx’s place again, got the needed cogs, and made a princess doll …

… and now the griffon is nowhere to be found. Very bummed.

I checked all of my alts’ bags, the bank .. twice, three times, nada.

I know it is account bound, and I successfully moved it through the bank yesterday to another character (meaning that I summoned the griffon without a problem on the other character). And yes, I checked the bank a bajillion times and it’s definitely gone.

Has this happened with anyone else? I submitted a bug report, but I’m not holding my breath for a resolution. I just wanted to see if it was just me, or there was an actual bug in GW2.


Crafting 2nd mini toy destroys the 1st?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: headcrash.6354
