(edited by Sondergaard.8469)
[Crash] Reaper's Auric Sharpening Stones
I’ve tried the Auric Sharpening stone for the Druid, Chronomancer, and Daredevil with no issues. The Reaper is the only one I found that is causing crash. At first, I thought it had to do with having multiples in the stack, but even when I stop the gathering to only get one, it still crashes.
I tried with different characters, in different zones…. Right-clicking the Reaper Auric Sharpening Stone is an instant crash for me. That’s yesterday and today – with the partially downloaded patch yesterday and now after fully downloaded new patch today.
The other odd point is that all of the other Auric Sharpening Stones immediately appeared in their collection as discovered, but not the Reaper.
I was just about to get Dark Harvest and this started happening to me as well.
Other collections seemed to register me getting the sharpening stone but Dark Harvest did not and interacting with the stones causes a client crash.
This is true for all Dark Harvest collection items at the moment it seems. I have the exact same issues with Oola’s Data Crystal, but similar items for other collections have no issue.
This is true for all Dark Harvest collection items at the moment it seems. I have the exact same issues with Oola’s Data Crystal, but similar items for other collections have no issue.
I tried the Invisible Reaper’s mushroom and the Machined Greatsword and they did not have this effect (though I wouldn’t expect it for the greatsword.)
Confirming, I opening my necormancer’s cache and I currently have 3 Reaper’s Auric Sharpening Stones sitting in my inventory. Both are not registering for the collection.