Craze's Folly Daily Not Crediting Completion

Craze's Folly Daily Not Crediting Completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Adric Alzar.6231

Adric Alzar.6231

Today’s daily includes the jumping puzzle Craze’s Folly. I have completed it on two characters, and neither received credit for the daily.

I did not use portal or any other end-around – I completed the jumping puzzle as-intended. One character has Tyria world completion so, remembering the HoT bug re: those characters when HoT was first released, I completed the JP with another character not having world completion and still did not receive credit.

Please fix.

Craze's Folly Daily Not Crediting Completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


You didn’t go all the way to the end. There’s a small chest halfway through; the big chest (and completion) is after that.