Create Party still BUGGED

Create Party still BUGGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

The create party has been bugged for weeks now, party members not showing up in party even though they are in the dungeon/fractal with you, party members in the party but it shows that they are still pending, this is causing issues, last night 2 of us didn’t show up in the party for the party leader but we did for the others, so we never got the pop up windows to enter the dungeon we where doing, it seems sometimes logging out to desktop and back in can fix it, but not always,

This isn’t a new issue, ive seen it reported several times now, the topic at the top about party issues seems vastly ignored,

Basically are we going to get a fix for this party issue or not.

Create Party still BUGGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anigel.5438


+1 for a fix please.

About 1/4 of the time I join a party no one shows up in my party list even though they see me in the party. I can /party chat with them etc but no party members list and no blue dots on the map.

Once exiting to desktop and logging back in fixed it but more often than not the problem just stays the same and doesn’t go away after restarting. Its getting to the point where I just give up and don’t accept invites most of the time now.