Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Hey Anet and everyone

Recently (last week and a half, approx 9 days) I’ve been encountering crippling skill lag in game. I’ve got a vimeo Video linked below that illustrates the degree of the lag i’ve been experiencing. I am not running multiple applications, and my video settings are all on LOW or medium.
(I normally run all high settings when doing dungeons/PvE)
(https: // vimeo. com / 85012919 <—( sorry about spaces in the link, the forum doesn’t like intact vimeo links)

I type a message into /T chat at 1:40, it doesn’t appear in game until 2:12.

that’s 32 seconds of lag!!!!

Now, some skeptics will watch this video and say “yes, there’s a lot of players in there doing a lot of things at once, you’re going to have some lag”

but i’ve had this same degree of lag when I’ve gone with 1 other player to golem a keep (0 defenders, just NPC gate guards)

My specifications :
3.5 GHz quad core Intel i7 Cpu
16 GB DDR3 2100 MHz RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
Windows 8 64 bit

Internet: Xfiniti Comcast (speed tested at 1 MB/s upload, 2.8 MB/s Download 12ms ping)

Server: Isle of Janthir

i’ve downloaded the latest drivers for my video and audio cards.

For me, WvW is the only thing that keeps me playing the game. If this isn’t fixed, and soon I will move on to other games. I love WvW, (i haven’t played many other games where the things you’re farming can farm you back if you aren’t careful) and i want to keep playing it, but I simply cannot while this lag persists.

  • Edit *

currently soloing camps in Crystal Desert BL, (Am alone and outnumbered) approximately 3-4 seconds of lag.

Edit 2 —--
now starting to D/C. I am just running around in Lions Arch

(edited by Hamster.4861)

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bananaheli.8501


Have the same issue. The lag is extreme.



Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MauricioCezar.2673


Yes. My ping and Lag had become horrible lately. Sometimes, a ping of 2 minutes. Yes, I Press 1, and the skill goes 2 minutes after.

All fine with other games, even with Gw1, and became happening about the same time of the OP. Has anything changed Anet? I’m really just shutting game down lately, its not possible to play with a 2 minutes ping.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ExtremeNawhal.8490


Been having same problem for about a week now aswell

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadFry.9471


Same problem here.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loboling.5293


I wanted to mention that I have been having some of the same problems with lag this past week. Some moments it seems normal (3-4 seconds), but the lag never leaves me in gw2. Anything else is working as expected. (downloads/other games/streaming)

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Been having the same lag issues. Skill lag in WvW, players jumping around in the open world, the environment stopping then going after 10 seconds, and the awesome game crashes and client disconnects during guild missions.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gregmak.2159


I have the same issue the past week. I just don’t login anymore. I also love WvW, and this is ridiculous. This is one of those issues that should be fixed asap, not take their time and still have NO response. I just stopped playing the past 3 days.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Having problems here too, out of the ordinary.

Frequently dropping out of wvw.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RedBlood.2587


something needs to be done or a statement needs to be made by the devs. Gameplay is not enjoyable anymore because of this.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loboling.5293


I wanted to add that I was able to solve my problem by lowering all my graphic settings to minimum. All that really changed was “choose best textures” off, lowering shader from medium to low, and same with animation. These 3 changes got rid of my lag entirely.

I can’t explain it as I used to get about 60fps in pvp before, but after patch it was unplayable until I lowered my settings.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hamster.4861


I wanted to add that I was able to solve my problem by lowering all my graphic settings to minimum. All that really changed was “choose best textures” off, lowering shader from medium to low, and same with animation. These 3 changes got rid of my lag entirely.

I can’t explain it as I used to get about 60fps in pvp before, but after patch it was unplayable until I lowered my settings.

I’ve tried minimizing my settings, it slightly reduced the frequency of my super-lag rubberbands, but it didn’t actually solve the problem for me. When I ran on minimum settings I was getting the lag bursts every 3-5 minutes instead of ALL THE TIME.

but i guess improvement is improvement. GW2 is such a beautiful game though, the gameplay itself isn’t worth the trouble that it’s putting me through if I can’t at least enjoy the hard work that has gone into the visual assets

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NathanH.1465


Same problem here. Started happening after the latest patch. Hopefully it gets fixed fast (or at least have a dev looking into it)
Nothing is more annoying then to get downed at the marionette fight because my healing skill is lagging for ages.

My settings worked before patch, so I shouldn’t have to change them as nothing really changed (in terms of graphics or engine, etc…). Especially since I have them on low now, while they used to be high (with a 2 or 3 options on medium)

(edited by NathanH.1465)

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seabrook.6531


My PC is from 2010 and I rarely lag, got disconnected maybe once in the last month. I do everything, PVE, PVP, and WWW. I only have a 3 m DSL connection
I think there’s seriously something wrong with your ISP.

One year during a heavy snow week, I was constantly lagging in another game I used to play,5-10 second lag. I call my ISP (Verizon) and they sent a tech to check. It was a phone pole nearby that almost collapsed and my internet had a weak signal, that was causing my lag, problem finally fixed ASAP.

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Same problem, some content (like the Wurms, Tequatl and Marionette) are nearly unplayable.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”