Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Theres is a critical bug with warriors banner where by if any player picks up a banner as it despawns, the player can not use any weapon skills nor utility skills, only way to fix it is to relog.

And it happens a lot specially during wvw where there’s lots of banners around and we are constantly pressing f for stomp or loot.

Please fix ASAP.

Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mayonnaise.9624


You can fix it by jumping off a cliff aka dying also. I heard being downed helps too.

“It’s Raining Lootbags! Hallelujah!
It’s Raining FSP Golems! Amen!”
– The Weather Girls

(edited by Mayonnaise.9624)

Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


It’s not just related to banners, nor that they are de-spawning directly.

I’ve had this happen on Ele-weapons as well, and before they are about to time out. I think it’s somehow getting interrupted that you’re picking up a bundle—something new in the code with recent patches—because I tend to run around pressing ‘1’ to auto-attack in the bigger fights, repeatedly pressing ‘F’ when I see loot or someone to downed (on either side). Occasionally that means I will also try to pick up a bundle, and although it seems my auto-attack breaks me from doing so fairly often, as nothing gets picked up, I do one more attack before being blocked from using weapon skills, when the game somehow registers that I’ve picked something up and starts the annoyance/“death sentence”. Utilities works fine, F1-etc.-skills works fine, pretty much everything works except using skills 1 to 5. You are no longer able to attack with your weapon(s). It also works to switch weapon, you can even switch over to town clothes, but that’s a bit pointless, as that weapon/toy is also blocked from being able to use skills.

It usually recovers itself over a long period of time, probably from dying, never had to resort to that, and I think it may get fixed by getting CC’d, such as through a knock-down as well, but you can’t reliably get rid of it in a big fight, something which I would consider to be a massive game-breaking issue. This really needs to be looked into with some priority from the developers. Not being able to use skills for several minutes is a terrible bug to have in your game.

To add to this, there’s also a issue with movement; after being immobilized, you can sometimes get stuck in place for several additional seconds (without any condition on you). Again, game-breaking frustrations, as if the buff to Immobilize wasn’t enough of an annoyance.

Edit: The skill issues can happen when not moving much at all away from the bundle, basically while being stationary, so it’s not narrowed down to the below mentioned chain of events as presented by Aleth. I have heard about it also ocurring simply from zoning in from another zone as well, so it may not even be only related to bundles, though it occurs more for me with those. Might be worth noting that I’ve always been using my Staff on Guardian when it’s happened to me.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aleth.9630



I think we can conclude this chain causes the bug:

  • Attempt picking up bundle
  • (Teleport away, or warp away caused by lag)
  • When finishing the pick-up animation, if the bundle is no longer in melee range or it has disappeared (ie. you’re no longer to pick it up), you get stuck in a state where you cannot use any skills

For the time being though, CC breaks it too (including the stumble from falling from heights)!

(edited by Aleth.9630)

Critical bug: unable to use ANY skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: J Night.3468

J Night.3468

this is happening to me too every day. a lot. what fixes it is switching zones. at least for me. if not, then restarting the game entirely will. i’m not sure how its happening but i can tell that it’s not necessarily related to picking up bundles or porting. it keeps happening on my warrior too while i’m attacking normally.

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