Crystalline Band (Infused) bugged

Crystalline Band (Infused) bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BrontoX.6018


I tried upgrading my Crystalline band to have an extra agony slot and the ring doesn’t show up in the mystic forge. I took out the agony infusions via the infusion extractor and tried with 2 separate rings (both crystalline) and didn’t work. I have a feeling it’s related to the fact that the game thinks there’s still an infusion in it since in my inventory it says it has nothing but when I link it in chat it shows up as having a +5 in it.

[ASA] A Second Away – Aurora Glade | Crimson Redkat

Crystalline Band (Infused) bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You probably have an original infused ring — remember those came with +5 AR included. Appears that Zommy is treating it as a permanently-filled Agony Infusion slot. (I suspect it’s a different item ID.) ANet is apparently aware of the issue (according to posts in similar threads). So you can wait it out or buy a new ring and start from scratch. Alternatively, you can contact Support to see if they have any work-arounds.

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