Currently in an "Overflow" WvW borderland....

Currently in an "Overflow" WvW borderland....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DHK.8406


I qued for like 45 min finally get in and I end up in my own personal little borderland. I am not in with my guild, I am IDK where, there is like no one here.

I see my girlfriend who is in the right “Overflow” on the map as a party member but we are not physically in the same map.

What gives?

EDIT: I am on Far Shiverpeaks, other servers are Piken Square and Gandara

(edited by DHK.8406)

Currently in an "Overflow" WvW borderland....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wreckless.5690


What server are you on? We’re having the same issue in Piken Square. First I had to get in the queue in the 21st position, got in and saw the same thing, although there were other players in the same situation with me. I tried to leave and come back, but it now shows that there are no queues when there definitely should be.

Edit: There also seems to be a double queue. I queue, then when it says it’s ready I click “Travel”, then it says it’s full and puts me in another queue.

(edited by Wreckless.5690)

Currently in an "Overflow" WvW borderland....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DHK.8406


Little update:

The two maps have separate ticks.
There are people from all three servers on both maps.
Not yet clear which map actually is counting towards the total or if both are.