Custom Arenas Bugged

Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ele Of Yo.6253

Ele Of Yo.6253

Custom Arenas have been buggy for a while now, commands not working properly and wrong spawns and etc. As of recently, whilst messing around with some of it, I figured its way more broken than it looks like. First of all, even when rank progressions is disabled, it still activates rank up points and reward track stuff. This is quite important in the next case.

As of last patch, I’m unable to properly “move to spectate” and “kick” people when needed, in fact, it doesn’t work at all. Whilst messing around I found out that it does still have functionallity tho. If you try to kick/move to spectate someone whilst being a spectator, it does nothing. If you join the game and try it, it does nothing… except if the person you’re trying it on is on your follower’s list or friends list. When this is the case, kicking works as normally, however… move to spectate causes the person you use it on to forcefully switch team. In case of my 1v1 arena, if I try to move to spectate the person on the other team, it forces him on my team. So first breaking thing is that it surpasses the limit of 1 person per team and 2ndly it puts him not in spectate but forces him to switch teams. After the move to spectate has been hit, more weird stuff happens. It allows everyone from the spectator group to join the specific team the person who was “moved to spectate”, breaking limits from 10 on 1 team (as shown in screen). This makes it able to have 10+vs1. Not only does it break the limit of 10 (as 10v10 is the maximum) it also keeps giving rank up points and reward track points. It fixes itself when a new game starts, but is beyond broken when current game is active.

Also, what makes me wonder more is, why are the kick/move to spectate disabled in spectator and why is it disabled on any person that is not in the follower/friends list? As this makes it unable to behave my arena properly when it is needed. Hope this clears up a bit.


Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Hey Distubin has mentioned this many times and the server [Angz] regulars turned up to see this and take screenshots. The Custom Arena System is not working properly and could be abused imo. Just hoping this gets some attention.

Screen for proof of 10 limit breaking, Dist will have mentioned the process required.


Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Infuse.3924


its a pretty bad bug which also might stand into connection with the bug where ppl spawn in enemy spawn while playing a tournament…
also happend in ESL matches Go4 cups and so on

Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tyinkz.7813


the custom arenas really are buggy and it needs to be looked at the guys above me pretty much saied what are the most proplems so yeah i will take a pic when something happen and will post it for more proofs

Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Macmoarning.3208


well dont hope to much guys, the fact that portal ele still is bug after 2 years basically means that you’ll have to be patient for a long time. Anyway, luv your serv, grats on you for letting is duel everyday : <3

Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vajra.3914


If anet could take a look into the matter it would be appreciated, this is my fav server, and I don’t like it to get all messy cuse some new bugs with the recent patch

Custom Arenas Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ele Of Yo.6253

Ele Of Yo.6253

Still bugged as of new patch, without anything changed.