Cut scene animation: Vigil, Grawl shaman Gara (spoilers)

Cut scene animation: Vigil, Grawl shaman Gara (spoilers)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


The other day I did my personal story, after picking the vigil, you get the opportunity to investigateone of 3 races and bring them to your side. I picked the grawl. Any cut scene Gara was in, he spoke but his mouth didn’t move, or it was the barest tremble of puppet mouth (open close, open close).

Also, after it was over, and you go back to the vigil keep, Gara is there, then the skritt leader spawns and gives you dialogue like you saved them also.

Playing as a blood legion charr warrior, if that makes any difference.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!