D/D ele burning speed not working

D/D ele burning speed not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SUNRISEPOTATO.4760


I m an asia player from malaysia. Before sep patch, my ele can use burning speed skill perfectly… after the patch, the skill(burning speed) “BLAST” before move, pls look into this issue, thank you

D/D ele burning speed not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


I noticed this too. I rolled a new asuran ele for pvp, and I thought my blast was missing because of the asuran character model, but I found the blast is happening in the middle of my trail on my human ele too.

I don’t remember seeing anything in the patch notes about this, and it throws off the distances for the burning speed part of the attack chain.