D key buggy while running with W

D key buggy while running with W

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: me im not.9357

me im not.9357

I took a break from the game for a couple of months here recently due to work. When I came back, I noticed that my controls are little iffy. If I press D, my character turns…. unless Im also holding W for forward movement. My arrow keys work for movement, my mouse works for turning, and I can turn left while running with the A key… D only fails when Im trying to run forwards (W) or backwards (q)…

To make things more confusing—- sometimes it works fine. But much of the time, it does not. When it doesnt, it makes WVW a real pain.

Anyone else with this problem or an idea of how to fix it?

D key buggy while running with W

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Sounds like you need to check your keybinds or a new keyboard.