DR issues. Come on already and fix this.

DR issues. Come on already and fix this.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gercoa.7490


You can say what you will, but there has to be a problem with my account. The only thing I can think of is you turned DR on my Char and it has never turned off!

I can run no MF, 387% MF makes no difference. I can farm reefs for example and have to kill 15-20 of them before i get a single drop! When a drop does happen, it’s a dark claw or white…

I only get to play this game on my days off from work. Because of this I have to farm to get the stuff I need to advance in the game. It’s like I’m being punished for working hard when I can play. I have spent real money not only on the game itself (I bought 2 full copies) but I have also spend close to 100 bucks supporting the game in the gem store. I want to continue supporting the game, but am finding it hard given this issue.

I put in a bug report on it. I would like someone to at least look over the account and see the issue. It’s not fair that no matter where I go, in any instance, dungeon, etc that I only drop blues at best. I’ve worked very hard to create my char and love it otherwise, but this has to be fixed.


DR issues. Come on already and fix this.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


not to mention that DR is a huge PITA, but it usually only kicks after 20min or so. I think you just have a reeeeeeeeally horrible RNG.

you and me both brother^^