Daily Achievements = No laurels

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ToxicDerpsAlot.6428


I have completed 2 dailies. Daily Dodger and Daily Event (or something like that) I completed them and got NO LAURELS for completing them I asked my guildees if this is normal they said no, they already have 2 laurels. Bug ?

Venon Runeblade-Thief-[RE]-Rethesis-Kaineng

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: General Belisarius.2548

General Belisarius.2548

do all 5 of the requirements mate

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NickFireman.7243


You need to do all the dailies in the achievement list to get the daily achievement. People who already have 2 laurels are people who were fast/lucky enough to finish that kitten combo kills daily before the reset (i’m one of those, and it was stressing, to say the least), and then did the other daily after the reset (the one with the dodges and revivals).

Garrus Finiarel – Human Warrior
Raven Oakwood – Sylvari Ranger
Kal Vas Flam [KVF] – Jade Quarry

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276

Kenage Achalarus.4276

i jsut finished my monthy and i got no Laurels so i understand that you are fustrated beleave me i am to. and from what my guildmates have stated is that their not working at all their not even getting any rewrds whatso ever.

a Mesmer with a Greatsword [Confusion], your mind has been [Mind Wrack]

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fergles.4812


The Devs said that in the coming updates they’ll be releasing laurels for achievements that have already been accomplished. Kinda like with the Lost Shores event and how people, eventually, got the rewards for fighting the Ancient Karka.

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Mine stopped. I cleared 2 and cannot progress in any more dailies.

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276

Kenage Achalarus.4276

ok I just finished up my daily and I got my 1 Laurel. so it seems like the Monthly one is buged

a Mesmer with a Greatsword [Confusion], your mind has been [Mind Wrack]

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TiredTracks.6245


Thats not a bug, January monthly does not give Laurels. Think of all the people that already finished their monthly by Jan 28th? You’ll get them in Feb.

Sodora Fatechanger – Guild Leader of [LYSS]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Daily Achievements = No laurels

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


also got my daily in a few mins ago, no problems, you have to do all of the five things:

  • 13 different enemy killed
  • 15 successful dodge
  • 10 heals (NPC or allies (dead or downed))
  • 20 gather
  • 5 event

And about monthly I have no clue, completed it along time ago, and didn’t get them laurels now, it would be sad if ppl who complete it now get them, have anyone got laurels for monthly?

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Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…