Daily Activity Sends me to sPvP
Same, tried both NPC’s in LA for it, both did the same thing. Would put in bug report ingame for it too but there is like no option to do it there. The npc near gate hub put me to raid on the Capricorn, and the one near the TP put me into skyhammer.
Yup +1, got the same
I’ve had this problem happen before and if I tried multiple times it would eventually work but this time I’ve tried it 5 times and I keep getting put into hotjoin. Please fix this.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Same thing, 3 times to spvp spectator mode.
We might be small and outmanned, but we have big tomatoes.
yup, same for me too.
Confirmed. Happening on Jade Quarry.
happened to me on TC. I just joined the Halloween activity for the daily achievement.
Happening to me too on Fort Aspenwood (3 times).
FWIW, I did this shortly after daily reset on my other account (on Sorrow’s Furnace) w/o any problems.
EDIT: Just tried on different toon and worked fine.
(edited by RTM.3250)
Seems to be working for me now. I was able to do it on a overflow.
Happend to me to
on Gandara server
Confirmed, happened to me to.
Aurora Glade
Same, Piken Square, was sent to SPvP. Tried for Keg Brawl to try and side step this problem—-but it has been disabled>>!
PS, found that the Mad King activities seem to be working for daily achievement.
(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)
Another plus one here. SPvP spectator mode instead of the advertized Southsun Survival.
Still happening on Gandara… tried about 10 times with multiple toons, keep getting into spectator mode
But I’m concerned about where it seems to be heading!
Distinctly less shiny than it once was
Same here. Tried it with two characters several times, get ported to a random PvP spectator map.
Yup, just happened to me on Gunnars Hold. Ended up in sPvP Forest of Niflhel as spectator, instead of Southsun Survival.
same happens to me on 3 chars (Gandara). Had to use Lunatic Inquisition to get daily
(edited by DarkX.4315)
yea happening now still;
workaround fix: do clockjp or lunatic inq
will this get fixed today??
You can do the halloween activity instead if you want the achievement point. Did the same…
Yep keep getting sent to random sPvP matches as a spectator instead of Southsun Survival.
“an bug a day keeps the players away”
edit: forgot the smiley, here it is —>
Same here. Did some solo q pvp, went from the mists to LA, then tried to enter the daily activity. Keep ending up in hot join instead.
You can do the Lunatic Halloween activity instead : it works too for the achievement.
Yeah, doing the Lunatic Inquisition counts for the daily activity achievement and for another achievement “Lunatic Inquisition Regular”. As I don’t see ArenaNet solve this today use it to your advantage.
thx rose, it worked
Having the same problem still, I’m on Ruins of Surmia. Any ETA on a fix?
same here for me still happening
I think this bug is even more serious with Keg Brawl, since we’re only able to play that minigame once a week (on Sundays).
Edit: Alright, i’ve talked to some players from the NA region. It seems this bug is only happening to those of us at EU.
(edited by Murethor.4935)
Same issue. Daily Activity sends me to PvP. Am forced to do the Lunatic Inquisition for the daily activity to work (thanks for the tip there gvaughn!).