Daily Combo Killer - not working

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: xev.9476


The new daily that requires you to kill a mob with combos from another player doesn’t seem to be working properly. The first time we attempted a combo (engineer fire field and warrior whirl), we got credit. Duplicating this combo didn’t provide any additional credit – until about 2 minutes later, when it finally worked again. We’ve tried different combos using different fields and different finishers, but only about once every few minutes or so do we get credit for a kill. We’ve tried actually killing the mob with the combo, and just attacking with the combo without regard to mob health, but nothing seems to make a difference. We’re stuck at 20%:/

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Jan Roman.1270

Jan Roman.1270

It doesn’t work at all for me. Trying every possible combo with guildmates, nothing.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Silvow.3748


Got the same problem

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Scott.7601


Same here, if it helps any I am at 100% completion for the “Teamwork Gets It Done” Achievement.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: xev.9476


Actually, we just solved it. You have to initiate combo BEFORE you engage the mob in combat, then kill the mob. It works for us 100% of the time using that method. Still doesn’t seem like its working as intended, though.

EDIT: I lied. Stuck at 90% now, lol. No idea.

(edited by xev.9476)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Sigh.. anet.. why do you not thoroughly test your updates in the real server~~~

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Zhead.2675


same here. only works sometimes

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: DaWolv.8503


We found something that works 99% of the time:
Any attack combo field (burning, poison, weakness, chill) and then a mesmer throwing his greatsword in.
Note: The combo attack needs to be the finishing blow, or else it won’t count!
Took us a while to figure, but it should work for today!

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Eulefant.9624


hmm, don’t know what to think of it. i often play solo on virtually deserted maps

Monthly ones often need wvw or pvp or dungeon ones, I have accepted I will never do

but that dailies were a nice thing to keep me coming back in a daily logins :-)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: allstick.1405


Do events in large groups. I got 6 just on the claw preevents

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Kasai.6302


you must place a condition using a combo finisher

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Kami.8342


I have found combos work best in water, as an Elementalist, my Boiling Water allowed my party to get the rest of the combos easily.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


daily dodger is not working either and daily healing only works for players?
How is it possible to do dailies anymore?

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Auruan.2837


Nothing seems to work for me. Multiple characters. Even asked a friend to let me deliberately score the kills with his field.
Zero. Zero. Zero. Very odd. Already have the old tier to max… and in the past, survivor was bugged on me too. I smell a new bug, ahaha.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Riften.9247


i tried a billion different combo fields and finishers and none of them is consistent, super random i’m still stuck at 6/10, the things that had a chance of working: fire field from ring of fire, projectile finisher from mesmer’s GS 2 and conjure ice bow 2.

ten minutes later i’m at 8/10, then the game DCs me and when I reconnect i’m get 6/10 again…-_-

mesmer vortex in water with elementalist earth auto for 3 confusion bolts every second seemed to work well, finally done with daily.

(edited by Riften.9247)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Rhiojin.3185


I just finished it with my GF. The combo attack must be the finishing blow it seems. Either that or the killing blow must be a combo finisher in combination with the combo field. Ranger + Engineer.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: unum.6209


We tested various professions and combos with not much luck. But when we had a ranger shooting through a fire field we got a confirmed daily combo every time.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Aelaren.3784


Tested with a guildie:

The only thing that worked 100%, all the time, is Hallowed Ground (Guardian combo fire field) + Thief Pistol#1 (projectile finisher). I put down a field and did totally nothing while thief killed stuff inside the field.

Curiously, Hallowed Ground worked all the time while Purging Flames (although it is a combo field fire too) never worked once. Thief Pistol#1 worked all the time while other Pistol skills or Shortbow#1 had no effect whatsoever.

What else we tried (to no avail):

Purging Flames
Wall of Reflection
Symbol of Swiftness (Guardian Staff #3)
Symbol of Wrath (Guardian GS #4)
Line of Warding (Guardian Staff #5)
Shadow Refuge
Choking Gas (Thief Shortbow #4)
Black Powder (Thief Pistol #5)

Leap of Faith (Guardian GS #3)
Whirling Wrath (Guardian GS #2)
Binding Blade (Guardian GS #5)
Trick Shot (Thief Shortbow #1)
Cluster Bomb (Thief Shortbow #2)
Thief Pistol every skill except #1 (they are all projectile finishers)

We once managed to achieve a point in underwater combat, though we have no idea what combination produced that effect (guardian trident+thief harpoon gun). And also once we procced achievement using GS skills inside Shadow Refuge (but were unable to reproduce).

We did a lot of tries because about every 5min game restarted, taking away all the gained achievement points xD

(edited by Aelaren.3784)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: PrimalFear.4126


hmm, don’t know what to think of it. i often play solo on virtually deserted maps

Monthly ones often need wvw or pvp or dungeon ones, I have accepted I will never do

but that dailies were a nice thing to keep me coming back in a daily logins :-)

EXACTLY! Get rid of “Combo Killer” completely and show some respect to the base.

It is no secret that there is a HUGE portion of the 6+yr GW population that prefer to play solo. I don’t bother with monthly achievements because they always have fractals/dungeons in there and I don’t have time to find a team and sit in front of the computer for an hour or more at one time. Anet needs to stop trying to make people team that don’t find that type of gameplay “fun”, or are not able to engage in that type of gameplay due to real life time constraints.

Nobody is asking anybody to get rid of non-solo play, we’d just like to hold you on your word to keep content “solo friendly”.

Achievements should be based on your own personal character development. Why not add a tough daily “Solo Challenge” instead?

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Account.9832


Confirmed with elementalist + guardian (using mostly fire & light fields, with projectile, whirl, and blast finishers). Tried starting with a combo, ending with a combo, using defensive combos, using offensive combos, etc.. Results seem completely random. We did get it, after about 100 kills, all of which involved at least one combo (i.e., 90% of the combos seem to be ignored).

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Moderator)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Lethokrates.5139


The thieves I’m with and a ranger I spoke to were able to get it. I too tried every combo with others, I’m a guardian, and it simply does not work. I trust that those of us who are being shorted today will be compensated. So now that it’s done, and I was robbed of my daily, when do I get the laurel I lost out on?

(edited by Lethokrates.5139)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: whack.6571


I’m also a guardian, tried everything. It smells like an bug.
The description only talks of taking a mob with an ally!
Just as an incitement for always helping out.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Andalamar.4201


I’d like to throw my name in the “doesn’t work” hat . As an Elementalist, I literally tried every combo field I have along with a Thief guildmate who leaped and projectile’d in each of them without both of us getting any credit.

I’m thinking it’s not a situation that’s easy to fix though. =/

Remember that there is a difference between the majority of players and the loudest players.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Valmarius.4150


Tested with a guildie:

The only thing that worked 100%, all the time, is Hallowed Ground (Guardian combo fire field) + Thief Pistol#1 (projectile finisher). I put down a field and did totally nothing while thief killed stuff inside the field.

Curiously, Hallowed Ground worked all the time while Purging Flames (although it is a combo field fire too) never worked once. Thief Pistol#1 worked all the time while other Pistol skills or Shortbow#1 had no effect whatsoever.

Would just like to confirm this. Hallowed Ground and my mesmer friend’s greatsword finisher got us it every time. Purging flames, even though it’s the same type of field, didn’t work once.

It didn’t have to be the killing blow, or anything like that, I think it’s obvious that several skills are just bugged.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Grand Xerxes.8012

Grand Xerxes.8012

also having problems with this on both my guardian and warrior with necro and engineer friend

EDIT: had a lot more luck using greatsword on guardian, got 3 combos in like 5 mins, vs 7 in about an hour with staff/hammer on guard or GS/longbow on warrior

(edited by Grand Xerxes.8012)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Fodder.3529


Add me to this list – hasn’t worked once. This was noted by a flurry of people on my server as well. One person mentioned the only way they got it was to get the killing blow with the combo on a veteran – haven’t confirmed that yet, myself.

On a side-note, this seems an ill-conceived achievement. The current build of my main (engi) has few combos to work with (they’re spread over a bunch of kits), while the character I can’t stand (ranger) has tons. At the moment, the achievement only seems to count killing blows, which makes things worse since most engi combos are conditions. What was that about playing my way?

(edited by Fodder.3529)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Greymelken.1892


Zone chat is filled with people complaining that they cant get it done, and they are trying everything,

I havent changed the way I play. I put out well placed combo fileds, I trick trough other combo fields I see. I seek out other people to play with, even if only for a kill or 2.

I have 100%, as a by-product of playing the game naturally.

a) Stop trying
b) Learn how to use your combos.

I am in a 45 zone and people are still asking: What are the combos for my Gaurdian? Look at your skillbar, I cant tell you what your combos are!!! lol.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Auruan.2837


I have 100%, as a by-product of playing the game naturally.

a) Stop trying
b) Learn how to use your combos.

The actual issue is that not every combo skill seems to work at this point.
In fact, it seems only -aggressive- combo fields function so far. That’s to say, any field of water elementalists, or chaos armour, or cleansing bolts etc. do not function as of yet.
Uncertain if this is intentional or not.

It didn’t have to be the killing blow, or anything like that, I think it’s obvious that several skills are just bugged.

Bugged or simply excluded from what triggers the combos as valid for the achievement.
It’s tedious, either way, to figure out what works and what does not.

Sure, if you have hours to spend, it’ll come as you go, if you have a crowded zone with lots of combos. But if you’ve limited time… nada. The casual player gets a whack. It’s a shame.

(edited by Auruan.2837)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


Guildy spamming every field he got with his guardian, me (ranger) trying to get the daily done… took ages, guess we killed over 100 mobs before I got the 10 stupid combo kills. Even when a large group of mobs was entirely inside the field and I threw axes at them all, I would only get like +1 on the counter max. When I had 7/10, everyone on the server DC’d and relogged to see that we had been rolled back 15 mins. And I could start again with 3/10 combo kills. Never expected the new dailies to be extremely frustrating but… this one is. The other ones are okay, even crafting 10 useless items doesnt bother me.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: jru.5932


Guildies and I have also tried multiple characters with differing combo effects, trying the combo with the opening strike, and with the final kill. It seems completely random. Learning how to use our combos is not the issue, so please don’t assume it’s player fault automatically, as many people in the zone I was in were doing multiple combo fields all throughout the kill of the intended target, and still getting zero results, the same as us.

Officer of Gaming Disciples [GD], Yak’s Bend Server

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Day.2560


Just fyi:
I used every combo finisher or combo field I have on guardian and I just got 20% after killing about 30 mobs.
Then I switched to necro and I got the remaining 80% with 8 mobs just by doing fields (I used wells).

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

I have found a reliable way to do this…. With my warrior using a rifle at-least i can report that with a rangers choking gas it works….

Choking gas must be deployed between you and the enemy without aggro-ing (It may work with others that do damage, it does not work with regen and remove condition)

The aggro-ing action must be the combo shot (if you aggro before this by walking into the enemy it wont work).

It seems that I had to get the kill shot (person that had the first combo shot) in order for it to work and receive credit for both parties involved.

Hope this is helpful

Edit: this was in the northern part of cursed shore on grubs and various human risen… if it matters.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

This is completely broken, done dozens of combos in the last 30 minutes. But the number of combos in the achievement screen is still 0.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Hellgast.4736


I really have to tell you guys that i’m trying whatever was written inside this topic with a friend of mine. He’s a guardian and i’m an elementalist. If he just starts with a combo field and i open the attack with a blast combo finisher… The game won’t accept our efforts. Hopefully it’s a bug because I have no clue about how to make it work. Please aNet, hurry up, not only me but other people too are getting restless… My friend and I even swapped of places. i started using large and lasting combo fields and my friend used that whirl combo finisher… still not worked. For an hour we have tried, all lost efforts. I’ve given up to go to bed… i was getting bored.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Carzor Stelatis.9435

Carzor Stelatis.9435

The other more fundamental problem with this mechanic is that it ignores the emptiness of most of the game world (thanks to the permanent ‘world’ system rather than GW1’s dynamic districts). Unless you’re in either a starting area or Orr (the only places likely to have other people in them), you’re locked out of today’s Daily.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: afoot.6932


Confirmed that daily combo does not function predictably. Character name Marshal Afoute. I just ran around for an hour, laying Purging Flames and Hallowed Ground to combo with a projectile thief, and even when the enemy died with burning created by the projectile/fire field combo, we didn’t get credit the vast majority of the time. Only managed to get 2/10 combo kills.

In my mind, the way it should work is that enemies exposed to any combo effect before being killed should count as a combo kill. So an enemy who was weakened from a poison field/blast combo should still count as a combo kill, even if it was no longer suffering from weakness when it died. Similarly, combo fields that strengthen a character, such as fire field/blast combos granting might, should still count, as long as the enemy was damaged from a player with might from the combo. In any case, I should be able to complete this achievement easily within 10-20 minutes, like any other achievement, not sit frustrated, timing my combos so that the exact kill is caused by combo damage. I sincerely hope this is simply a bug.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: OrinX.1962


Ran with a farm group and spammed unload for me, and shadow refugee for them. Got it in like 30 seconds.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: niellepuffs.6108


Managed to pull it off with two Rangers, both using axe/torch and laying fire, although it was annoying and took a while.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: jru.5932


Ok, so it’s working for some people, and broken for the vast majority of others. Seems legit.

Officer of Gaming Disciples [GD], Yak’s Bend Server

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Conditions seem to be part of the problem.

All enemies I’m sure I finished with a combo blow that didn’t count had conditions on them. No one else around other than the guy who made the field, and the enemy was very low on health, enough to kill it with a single blow of any weapon I carried.

Much like enemies killed by conditions created by a weapon will not count towards that weapon Mastery achievement, enemies killed by a condition created by a combo or defeaed by a condition before the combo hits will not count.

Conditions also count badly towards kills. If you went to a world event with an epic boss and simply spammed Chocking Gas, you may not get participation at all, since it just applies a poison field and a condition, and nothing else.

I also suspect conditions had something to do with the deaths of both Abraham Lincoln and J.F.K..

No exceptions!

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: QtHuynh.1893


i missed my daily today because of this dumb combo killer. I got to 70% then game kicked me and i got back to 50%. then there is like 1 min left and i could get up 1 more . And to finish this daily I have to beg people to help me. this is so dumb

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Ahah i have just wasted 20 mins trying to do this stupid combo killer kitten. Ofc i only managed to get 8 kills out of 10. Then my daily resetted. This game only deserves to die tbh. This patch was total kitten (as usual).

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: dagne.8542


I completed the daily combo killer achievement and was promptly disconnected from the server and when i logged back in my achievement progress was set back to 70% which in turn caused me to miss the 1st laurel

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: BuddhaWrath.5073


How I did it → spam all my skills in a group, in orr.

This is clearly extremely bugged out at the moment with horrible coding. It is probably going to take a while to fix since it seems pretty complex from a coding perspective.

Main: Gradius Xon Maverick [Frostfang]
Archon Brigade [ARC], Guild Leader
80’s: Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Ranger, Engineer

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Pyrotechnic Hell.3209

Pyrotechnic Hell.3209

Daily just reset so no more crying plz, it was fail to attempt to get the daily done in the time period we had before reset,

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Shaileya.7063


I eventually got this, but it was pretty frustraiting, and clearly not working as intended. Dozens of kill combos went by that should have counted. All support style combos do absolutely nothing for this as well. Really needs a redesign if this is going into the regular rotation.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Darkness.5410


After about 50 kills, me and my guild mate tried underwater. Worked much better.

Got the daily with 5 minutes left.

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Tierce.5370


Played guardian while trying to fill the combo killer portion of daily. It was incredibly tough to trigger the killing blow using greatsword and hammer finishers. I avoided laying down my own fields and some friends dropped fields for me as I ran around killing things and flinging up auras (combo with chaos storm and fire fields) and area might (combo with fire fields).

Another guildie was guardian, she gave up. Two mesmer friends managed to finish fast. Sorry I can’t give more information, the daily reset pretty soon after we tried to fill it in Bloodtide Coast by following the ghostly pirate chain event that starts just outside the exit from Lion’s Arch. We also killed other random mobs along the event line. It seemed like many combo kills were simply not registering, at least on guardian…

p.s. No, I never filled the bar and was stuck at 4/10 kills when the daily reset.

(edited by Tierce.5370)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Greymelken.1892


The actual issue is that not every combo skill seems to work at this point.
In fact, it seems only -aggressive- combo fields function so far. That’s to say, any field of water elementalists, or chaos armour, or cleansing bolts etc. do not function as of yet.
Uncertain if this is intentional or not.

I am a mesmer, only using Chaos Armor/Ethereal Field combos. I got 10/10 as a by-product of normal gameplay in much less then an hour. – Seek out players to fight with, utilize the opportunities they provide you, and provide them with your own, its that simple.

I often target friends with ethereal field just so I can jump out of it to give them Chaos armor, I slot 3 fields, and have 3 triggers for them, the uptime on my Chaos armor is quite high.

(edited by Greymelken.1892)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

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Posted by: Account.9832


I got 10/10 as a by-product of normal gameplay in much less then an hour.

It takes you one hour to get ten kills?

I got it in less than one hour too, but I took me over 100 kills, when it should have been done in 10 (I used combos in every fight).

As the cool kids say, bugged achievement is bugged.

- Al Zheimer