Daily Feast not working
Food can be bought for a very low price from the Trading Post. Note, however, that most food items will not appear if you set the filters to “food”. Use the “consumable” filter with no subcategory. Another cheap alternative is to purchase Rice in Bulk for 49 karma from any Master Chef vendor. This will give you 25 Rice Balls which can be consumed directly to quickly complete the requirement. Some foods do not count, such as Roasted Meaty Sandwich.
I’ve completed this daily like 50 times earlier, I always do what you just said and buy the lowest price food. I have never ever before had it not work. I went on here to report the bug, not to get instructions. If there is food that doesn’t work for the daily then that means it’s bugged. Thanks anyway though.
Well, ok. Not telling you what to do or not to do, just copying the passage from the wiki which informs us all that Roasted Meaty Sandwiches do not count.
Up to you what you do with the information. You’re welcome, anyway. =)