Daily Heart of Maguuma Forager bugged
None of my guild are getting credit for any harvesting in any zone towards this so I second this bug.
~Dr. Seuss
I tried in Verdant Brink and Auric Basin with no success. I also tried Brisban Wilds just in case it was supposed to be Maguuma Jungle… but no.
me or any in my guild didn’t get credit for it in our Hall or any of the heart of maguuma maps.
The daily “Heart of Muguuma Forager” is bugged, I did try three other maps to make sure but no luck.
Also tried Maguuma Wastes…just in case…no luck there either
WTG anet. Thanks.
I am having the same issue.
Did anyone try Ember Bay or Bloodstone Fen, just in case? Those are technically Heart of Maguuma maps, but also a different ‘region’.
Well, it’s not Ember Bay….nor Bloodstone Fen.
Really and truly borked today.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
I’ve tried both Ember Bay and Bloodstone Fen, no credit
Same problem, tried in the guild hall, and verdant brink flax farm.
Maybe this is related to the NPC’s that don’t sell petrified wood after you complete the hearts in Ebay.
~Dr. Seuss
Fight the queens
glad its not just me – at first i thought it was my copy of the game or my computer acting up even if nothing else was messing up so I restarted my computer and still no credit. then i checked here
Same, I tried Tangled Depths after Guild Nodes which will typically give the daily reward as well.
I also had trouble. and when I asked in map chat many others were having the same issue.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Yes, it is bugged, and we’re very sorry. I have verified that you can complete your dailies by doing the other three components (for instance, doing the jumping puzzle instead or foragaging), or doing elements in WvW or PvP. So there are options for a work-around for this issue, for those of us who do Dailies, daily. However, we’re sorry for any inconvenience this bug causes and reports have been submitted so that we can investigate and avoid a repeat in the future.
Thanks for your understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Thanks for the update but would suggest not saying “do JP’s instead” as the first option…
Many players don’t like JP’s so putting it first might, just, make people think that’s the reason for the bug?..
As a question… How many players actually do JP’s as a daily compared to how many simply use the gather/lumber/mine option????
My own history should show I use WvW often, PvP sometimes and JP,s almost never for dailies
Yes, it is bugged, and we’re very sorry. I have verified that you can complete your dailies by doing the other three components (for instance, doing the jumping puzzle instead or foragaging), or doing elements in WvW or PvP. So there are options for a work-around for this issue, for those of us who do Dailies, daily.
However, we’re sorry for any inconvenience this bug causes and reports have been submitted so that we can investigate and avoid a repeat in the future.
Thanks for your understanding.
Thanks but as you can see the other modes are not a solution for many of us, I see other players as allies, not competition, so PVP is out. WVW can or can not be a substitute depending on what was chosen for it. Jumpng puzzles are right out. Fractals, dungeons, and adventures …. I have tried them but prefer vanilla PVE. We have a choice in dailies and I have made my choice.
Thanks but as you can see the other modes are not a solution for many of us, I see other players as allies, not competition, so PVP is out.
There are a few PVP servers open to everyone which are set up specifically to allow players to cooperate to complete their daily.
My own history should show I use WvW often, PvP sometimes and JP,s almost never for dailies
You don’t actually have to do the JP’s, there’s always a ton of Mesmers porting to the end unless porting isn’t possible.
~Dr. Seuss
oh. it is ‘bugged’ … don’t like the area anyway. ;-)
In this particular case, the jumping part of the JP can entirely be skipped by using the glider. For whatever reason, there are no flying restrictions. So for whoever is looking for alternatives to complete the daily, that would be it. Will be faster even than grinding the boring events in Dry Top.
Please bring back the world boss daily.
Thanks for the update but would suggest not saying “do JP’s instead” as the first option…
Many players don’t like JP’s so putting it first might, just, make people think that’s the reason for the bug?..
As a question… How many players actually do JP’s as a daily compared to how many simply use the gather/lumber/mine option????
My own history should show I use WvW often, PvP sometimes and JP,s almost never for dailies
How many people do JP daily? That is an interesting question because many people just take a mesmer portal. Except for the super easy Urmaug’s Secret I always see people portaling at JPs when it is a daily although sometimes I don’t bother doing it either.
Thanks for your understanding.
I think most of us understand that Guild Wars 2 is an incredibly complex piece of software that, sooner rather than later, is going to have problems like this.
The problem is many gamers have limited time and trying to do the daily and then switching cuts into that. The result is that some get kittened off.
Doing another daily is possible, but they aren’t the same, some require more effort than others and the rewards are not directly comparable, I would rather have the mats than the reward for doing the jumping puzzle.
It would be nice if the devs wrote a to check the logs and retrospectively give the correct reward when this happens. I understand that this may require a bit more effort than can be allowed.
It would be nice if there was a change over option to remove an errant item that allowed a dev to switch so that people to complete a different one instead. Again this would require some dev time.
I normally do 2 PvE and at least one WvW dailies, the preference being vistas and gathering. As I gather in Dry Top every day switching to the events was easy for me, once I knew that the gathering was broken.
(edited by Serious.7083)
and the answer is … ?
I hate the jumping puzzles in GW2. Suggesting that I do that daily is just a non-starter.
Funny, I did the dailies on my non-Hot account in about 10 minutes.
On my Hot account, I’m almost getting used to being penalized for buying Hot.
No interest in JP’s, so certainly no interest in finding ways to scam my way through them.
and the answer is … ?
Allow those that purchased HoT to have more PvE options for dailies, just include dailies that those that did not purchase HoT have access to. Those that purchased HoT shouldn’t be penalized because they bought the EXP.
I agree with Blude’s idea of additively providing access to the non-HoT dailies to HoT players.
However, I don’t get how people are skreeking out when they are told to do JPs.
The probably never tried it yet, so let me tell you how most people do the JP achievements: There’s always a Mesmer around portalling you directly to the finish. You do not have to run through the JP. You can just take a portal or a Teleport To Friend item. It takes a minute at most.
Plus you get an achievement if you haven’t done the JP yet.
That’s why I still think the JP dailies should be renamed to “Daily Portal Taker” as most people don’t do them anyway.