Daily achievement and living story event bugs

Daily achievement and living story event bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TUnified.8170


I can see a lot of reports on bugs with the dailies, but I didn’t outright see some that related to what I experienced, if it’s already been reported I apologize.

I got in and chose my 5 dailies; events, gathering, kills, leveler and small creature kills.

As I progressed and got 2 completed (events and kills) I noticed that for some reason the daily completion said “3/5” completed instead of just 2 (only displayed events and kills at %100). Then as soon as I finished the gathering achievement it immediately said “5/5” completed even though I had not completed the small creature kills achievement (only at %13).

Not only did it award me coin, karma laurel and experience, it did it TWICE. I had two shakey chests appear on my screen and each one contained coin karma laurel and experience.

Also while fighting invaders in the living story events in Diessa plateau I could not damage the Flame Legion Portal. I either kept missing or nothing happened. I was dual-dagger elementalist, even tried different elements. Other people could attack it just fine.