I just made a test of daze duration at some test golems, using sigil of superior paralyzation (15% stun duration) and superior rune of the mesmer (33% daze duration as 6/6 bonus). Due to the results I got I post this in bug section, if it’s due to wrong description or wrongly scripted I don’t know.
I made 6 tests, recorded in 30 fps and clocked them afterwards. I didn’t want to spend too much time in this, so I recorded only once per equip set. This test was made with a thief using tactical strike from behind, supposed to be a 2 seconds daze.
Test 1: No duration addition equipped (5/6 mesmer runes).
2:00 Daze
Test 2: 1x paralyzation sigil.
3:00 Daze
Test 3: 2x paralyzation sigil.
3:00 Daze
Test 4: Rune of the mesmer.
3:13 Daze
Test 5: Rune of the mesmer + 1x paralyzation sigil.
3:07 Daze
Test 6: Rune of the mesmer + 2x paralyzation sigil.
3:03 Daze
As I recorded in 30 fps, each 0:0333… equals 1 frame. I guess the duration could alter a little if my latency isn’t absolutely stable, and I don’t think it is. I don’t know exactly how the network code is made. I don’t know if those 0:13 could be due to my ping, or if mesmer adds just a little bit more. But the durations seems to be pretty accurate to find out something is wrong.
So, by the test it seems nothing of this stacks. But the paralyzation sigil adds 50% as well as the mesmer runes. Not the 15% / 33% as the description says. How it’s planned to be I don’t know, but I dislike when skill descriptions aren’t bound to what skills actually do. I see this as a bug of some sort, it shouldn’t be hard to fix if you know how you want it to be.
After some quick test the following day, the paralyze sigil doesn’t seem to give the 50% at all. Something’s fishy.