Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lopez.7369


The trait reads: Greater Marks – Increases area of marks and marks become unblockable.

First, it does not work on Mark of Blood (staff skill No. 2) at all.

Second, it does not properly trigger Chillblains (staff skill No. 3). I think it’s related to the poison field effect. Chillblains still properly triggers the poison and chill if a mob is hit in the area where the poison field lands, but if the mark hits outside of that radius, the chill and poison are not applied.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ikos.2645


Just tried this trait and I have the same bugs:

- Mark of blood has the original radius.
- Chillbains is triggered but it affetcs just the mob/player that goes in the original radius. The grafical icy effect has the original radius too.

Another bug is that even if the mark is larger the green aoe pointer has the original radius, it’s really annoying.

Edit: Putrid mark and Reaper’s mark work without any problem.

(edited by Ikos.2645)

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lopez.7369


Glad someone can confirm my problems! I forgot to mention the target pointer being bugged as well.

And yes, Putrid Mark and Reaper’s Mark still work fine.

It’s a shame the trait is bugged. It would be pretty nice in AOE situations if it worked.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nervoo.4963


This one also doesn’t work:

Chilling Darkness: When you blind a target, you also apply chill for 1 second.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bishok.1947


Just to reiterate what my other fellow gamers have said. I took Greater Marks but it has no effect on my staff skills (all of them Marks), they are still the same size and area of effect.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ydyp Ieva.6290

Ydyp Ieva.6290

I to came to that conclusion yesterday. So I wasted a respec to free my 10 points to get that trait first. And it doesn’t help if the first minor trait is useless in most cases.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lopez.7369


A few builds later, still bugged. Such a bummer.

Death Magic Trait 2, Greater Marks, bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rosabella.4523


I just unlocked the greater marks trait, seems like such a useful one, sad that its bugged. Though now I’m glad to know I wasn’t going crazy thinking something was wrong, hope it gets fixed soon…

Rosavyn: Sylvari Necromancer
It’s a game, try to have some fun.