Death removing AR and Shout Condition removal
Remember that you only get the 10 AR from the weapon when it’s your active one. If you switch the weaponset (maybe even bundle), you “lose” those points.
Yes, I’m using full ascended/legendaries
I haven’t noticed the shout bit occur in the last while.
The AR loss still occurs regularly. I’m fairly convinced that it happens when people change gear while dead. This is usually discovered by people in the boss fractals when the unavoidable agony is triggered.
yeah this happened to me at lvl 49. as you can imagine it was basically a 4 man vs boss ending. not fair to me or my team. plz fix asap. i didnt even switch gear. something happened when i died….or was downed. i lost AR for osme reason. i have 55 AR. no reason for me to be taking 3k+ per hit of agony
Funny observation…
While you are in the down state or carrying any bundle(reflectors, control rods, etc…) you are in fact: not wielding your weapon.
If you depend on the AR on your weapon, be aware that there are times where you are weaponless
//Portable Corpse