Defend Fort Trinity (lvl 70) Personal Story Bug.

Defend Fort Trinity (lvl 70) Personal Story Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MajorShock.4023


I’ve been stuck on this story quest for some time now. I submitted a bug report in game about a week ago, but nothing seems to have come to it. So I’ll write about it here and maybe one of you can help or perhaps a dev might stumble upon this and will be able to help.

So I go to start the quest and the first objective is to report to Trahearne. I walk up to him and he’s chatting with a couple of Pact members about the Asuran gates not functioning, I talk to him, complete the objective… then nothing happens. No enemies arrive, no additional dialogue, no new objectives.

Has anyone else experienced this problem, if so were you able to find a work around, or is this just my rotten luck. If anyone is able to help I would be grateful, I’ve postponed entering Orr so I can go through it while following my story line but I’m getting kind of bummed out this is still broken for me. Thanks in advanced for reading.

Defend Fort Trinity (lvl 70) Personal Story Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azerox.4792


I have made a level 80 engineer, no problems at all.
Now i have a 75 Warrior, and im stuck on this qeust.

Problem is that the NPCs should help clear the docks, they do but not good enough
after a few seconds all are dead and like 50 risen come powning me.

Then i die, i return and all the NPCs are gone (the ones should help me).

All the risen are standing there, not flagged (yellow name)

When i hit 1, they all become active and like 30+ are hitting me.

Tarhearne is dying in seconds, and me 2 unable to complete.

Ive tryed for several times and this is no gear/skill issue but a BUG.

Rly bad, because alot of things are bugged right now (all kinds of events and NPCs)

Defend Fort Trinity (lvl 70) Personal Story Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Evangalise.4863


Stuck here too

Defend Fort Trinity (lvl 70) Personal Story Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

I got past the part the OP is stuck on, where i had to defend the lumbar camp, then the next objective is to secure the gates of FT. There’s a green ring in front of the gate covering the area i’m supposed to defend, but after a small initial wave of risen, nothing else happens, no quest update and i’m stuck at that point. I’ll try restarting it after logging out to the desktop and reloading the game, I’ll let u know if that works.