Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: JOXA.8214


I was watching my friend play on his account (which was a deluxe pre-purchase account) and i noticed when he had his auto loot on that the items would appear near the bottom right hand side.

My account is a Deluxe Upgrade and that does not happen for me when my auto loot is on. Nothing is displayed for me.

I am also unable to unlock the Mistfire Wolf skill on my main character. He was created prior to the upgrade. When i created new charactes i noticed the Mistfire Wolf skill was not greyed out anymore but i do not want to restart my main because he is level 36.

I am not sure if this is relevant as well but when i played with him we noticed a huge difference in drops received, him recieving tons of blue and green named items where as i would mostly recieve white items and trophy and collectibles. He does not have any mf what so ever and neither do I.

I wonder if there are other things which are different between both versions. Has anyone else encounter this type of issue?

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Drintar.1246


the drops are random he’s not getting drops that are better just because he has the deluxe edition. As for the auto loot thing that’s a bug on your end because that happens in the plain jane standard edition as well so your not seeing it is a bug.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: JOXA.8214


Yeah i didn’t think the drops were and issue. Unlucky me I guess that’s all. Thanks for letting me know.

Does anyone else who has upgraded to deluxe experience the same issue? I know its not that important of an issue but i still hope it’ll be fixed.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Halmo.8619


The difference in drops was probably just where he was some areas have a higher drop rate than others. Also the thing that shows the items on the site when you autoloot has nothing to do with your version I just have the basic pre-purchase and it shows up like that for me.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Snow Valkyrie Z.2641

Snow Valkyrie Z.2641


You have to activate the Auto-loot features through the F11 “Options” menu. With this feature active, your loot will pop up as icons in a system message in the lower right of the screen.

In the frequencies of energy, you go from light to sound… how much further is flesh and bone?

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JOXA.8214



You have to activate the Auto-loot features through the F11 “Options” menu. With this feature active, your loot will pop up as icons in a system message in the lower right of the screen.

I already stated that i had autoloot enabled.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JOXA.8214


The difference in drops was probably just where he was some areas have a higher drop rate than others. Also the thing that shows the items on the site when you autoloot has nothing to do with your version I just have the basic pre-purchase and it shows up like that for me.

Oh ok thats good to know then thats its just mine. I guess ill try to reinstall it or something.

And We were partied in the same area doing the same quest. Probably just bad luck thats all.


Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Sorry, but you’re seeing issues where there are none. There is no gameplay difference between deluxe and standard.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Melana.8345


For drop differences: Is there a difference in character levels between the two of you?

The reason I ask is because one of the game “hints” (as shown in the hint section in the menu bar at the top of the screen) is that if you kill creatures of a higher level than your real level (not the downscaled one), you will have a higher drop rate of good items. If you were a higher level than he was, and the enemies were in between your two levels, this could have contributed to a difference in the type of drops you were both getting. i.e. Was he killing enemies “higher” than his actual character level and thus had an inherent magic find boost that isn’t shown as a buff?

Otherwise…RNG is random, you do get runs of good/bad stuff.

Despaired Ranger: Crafted The Dreamer, lost range, lost GS condi damage for synergy.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: JOXA.8214


Sorry, but you’re seeing issues where there are none. There is no gameplay difference between deluxe and standard.

what do you mean im seeing no issues? his autoloot has thumbnail icons with item names which appear where as my autoloot does not do that.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JOXA.8214


For drop differences: Is there a difference in character levels between the two of you?

The reason I ask is because one of the game “hints” (as shown in the hint section in the menu bar at the top of the screen) is that if you kill creatures of a higher level than your real level (not the downscaled one), you will have a higher drop rate of good items. If you were a higher level than he was, and the enemies were in between your two levels, this could have contributed to a difference in the type of drops you were both getting. i.e. Was he killing enemies “higher” than his actual character level and thus had an inherent magic find boost that isn’t shown as a buff?

Otherwise…RNG is random, you do get runs of good/bad stuff.

Ohhh ok thats probably it then. I had no idea thats how it worked.


Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

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Posted by: Superporing.6801


Ignoring the drops (which is just luck) and autoloot (bug?)…I also got the digital deluxe (I purchased with gems after already starting to play in the head start) and have the Mistfire wolf skill grayed out…

Sadly, I already made all my characters (in order to get the names I wanted) so if what you’re saying is true about characters created AFTER the deluxe upgrade being able to use it…well I’m screwed out of the mistfire wolf on all of them then. I had send an in-game support ticket about it shortly after and never got a response.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JOXA.8214


Well, my autoloot bug was fixed. Now just to be patient for them to fix the Mistfire Wolf skill.

Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472
