Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Renn.8241


Can we atleast have a dev post saying they are working on it or have gone home for the day?
There are ALOT of bugs and the player base is getting inpatient.

~Renn~ Jade Quarry – Norn, – Ranger.

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DivaCeryn.2673


The player base is getting beyond impatient especially when its involving guild builds and buffs that alot of our influence AND Merits were used on and now not working let alone all the other 100s of bugs and glitches the 16th patch caused.

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: acey.6142


“Thanks for giving us a heads-up on some of these bugs, Tyrians. We’re aware and working on them. ~RB2 Guild Wars 2 (@GuildWars2) "

From Gw2 twitter

Aceskyy- 80 Ranger Cmd- 80 Warrior Cmd- 80 Engineer
Guilds affiliations – Imtl, CoS, HIGH, & DOLO
Ehmry Bay Raider with unicorn bow!

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odyssey.2613


It’s 8:07 p.m. Pacific time. I’ll give you two guesses, but you’ll only need one.

The dev team has proven they can’t balance a 2×4 on a cinder block.

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DivaCeryn.2673


- Guild Chat doesn’t work for 1/2 the guilds
- 50% vote threshold doesn’t work
- First Person problems: aegis, longbows, items which show over characters head
- Sound bugs (on both skills and dialogue)
- Loading Screen is pushed up like the camera (so 1/3 of screen is black)
- Report a bug is messed up
- FPS drops
- Sluggish Camera Rotation
- Changing Reward Track crashes game
- Can’t buy traits (I haven’t verified this but have heard it)
- Minimap has a gap (which causes points to go over the screen)
-All our guild builds that were building show done and shouldnt be can’t activate them, one build building in the extra asruan spot is now que’d and can’t start the extra build spot that shows available now. We use alot of influence and merits daily to keep all buffs and +5% gold and reduced waypoint costs always going.
-Client crashes for some when going offline to fix guild chat and getting the you are not in a guild message.
-Main human ranger randomly says and shouts stuff my other toons say in combat or at merchant in their voices, even says Attack randomly in LA for my pet or some other combat saying that another race use’s and says.
And the list can and does go on so much is broken now its beyond belief FIX ALL THIS ASAP

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Remember they are also humans and need some rest (even though they messed up with stuff) :P They have already acknowledged stuff and are working on fixes, but they also have a live, give them some time :P

Devs working on it or gone home for the day?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkon Ligator.9342

Darkon Ligator.9342

In my case, I went to update after I had the game installed on Win 8.1, it froze and stated the error thing, I restarted and tried again, this time it just froze. I thought ok, something is buggy with win 8.1, so I formatted and reinstalled win 7×64, fresh install…..STILL FREEZES AFTER INITIAL DOWLOAD AND PROMPT TO INSTALL!. I’ve done the windows updates…… all my time playing, THIS HAS NEVER happened before. Can we wake a dev to fix this please, it is 11:34pm in Texas currently.